Angioplastia Coronariana Percutnea

These remedies include the Abciximab (ReoPro) and the Tirofiban (Aggrastat). Estatinas – diverse studies have demonstrated benefit in the reducing cholesterol therapy, in the acute phase of the coronarianas syndromes, as possible stabilizing factor of the ateromatosa plate. Former: sinvastatina, atorvastatina or pravastatina. Surgical: Angioplastia Coronariana Percutnea. Conclusion The description of WENT must serve as serious alert in such a way for the professionals of health how much for the patient, being able to act as an effective instrument of awareness of both, with sights to the improvement of the preventive and therapeutical aspects. She is necessary that the health professional, mainly the involved ones in the attendance of the basic attention, recognizes its paper as educator in the process health-illness and educates the patients. Acquiring knowledge them to have it healthful habits of life and how much to the importance to control the cholesterol levels total in the blood with a healthful and of low text of fats, taking the medicine to reduce cholesterol if prescribed diet; to control the high pressure through the diet with little salt and being taken the remedy in agreement antihypertensive the medical lapsing; if to smoke – it stops, if not to smoke – do not start; to control diabetes for the frequent monitoramento of the level of sugar in the blood, being followed the guided diet and taking the insulina or verbal medicine as prescribed by the doctor; to practise exercises regularly (when set free for the doctor); to keep the ideal weight.

However it makes necessary that the health professional experts of the clinical aspects, signals and symptoms, found become in the picture of WERE GONE. That they are habits to identify a suspicious case of WENT, as well as of the necessity following the evolution and guaranteeing the correct treatment to the patient making possible its recovery. References Dangelo, Jose Geraldo; Fanttini, Carlo Amrico. Anatomy sistmica and segmentary human being. 2 ed. So Paulo: ed. Atheneu, 2003.

Guyton, B.C. & J.E. Hall. Treated to Medical Physiology. 10a ed. Ed. Guanabara Koogan, 2002. Robbins et al. Structural and functional pathology. 5 Ed. Rio De Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan S.A, 1996. Robert Iglesias et al. Control of the tobaccoism in Brazil. HNP – International bank for Reconstruction and World Bank Development 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, August of 2007. available one in: