Medicinal Properties

Hops ordinary Numulus Lupulus Ukrainian name – hml zvichayny. Common names – Grapes wild, Chimayo, hmelina. A perennial herb, climber, up to 6 m with a winding stem. Grows wild throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, especially in humid areas (along rivers, lakes). For medical and cosmetic purposes use seedheads – hop cones collected prior to maturity. The active substances.

Hop cones contain a bitter substance – lupulin, where there is an essential oil (2%), consisting of myrcene (30-50%), and kariofilena (20-50%), geraniol, linalol, gumulena, farnezona, hihmulin alkaloid, coumarin, vitamins ( B, B6, PP, rutin), flavonoid glycosides, hormones estragennye matter. In the essential oil revealed the bitter substance: gumulon, lupulon, kolupulon etc. Action: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, diuretic, antiallergic, estrogen, which improves the function of the skin and the digestive system, regulates metabolism. Application in cosmetics. Hops has been widely used in cosmetics as a primary means to prevent aging skin and treatment of this disease, which brings a lot of trouble for women. The specified property is due to hop estrogenic anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties of plants and has long been known.

More In the Middle Ages infusion of hop cones or waste breweries used in the form of baths, both to improve the general condition and the properties of the skin. The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of hop cones pour 200 ml boiling water, boiled for 15 min, infused for 30 min. is added to the bath. This infusion daily rubbed into the scalp with hair loss, wash their face (or apply a moistened napkin infusion for 15 min) for the prevention and treatment of wrinkles, with abrasions, and other pustular skin diseases. Hop extract is added to a variety of creams, lotions, shampoo, loose, exposed to pustular skin lesions. Shampoos with the addition of extracts from hop cones with successfully used for washing the hair. It strengthens hair, makes them shine, prevents dandruff, hair becomes soft and silky, sweet odor. Another recipe for the prevention of dandruff: take a hop cones, nettle, coltsfoot in equal amounts ground. 3 tablespoons, pour 500 ml boiling water, bring to a boil, draw 1 hour, washed his head in the usual way, then rinse extract from plants, hair dried with a towel. The use of phytotherapy in practice. Infusion of hop cones are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases (lichen, psoriasis, non-healing ulcers, acne, dermatitis), both independently and in combination with other plants. In women, the elderly trihomonadnyh obesity, vaginitis of unknown etiology are very well treated by syringing of the present hop cones. Sometimes prescribed infusion of hop cones for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, enteritis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the urinary system. – Herbs, description, application.