
It is a long search, then the way is even longer. I don’t know who I am and what I am. I understand my being nor my essence. I also know the truth of my existence nor the ambiguity of my appearance. I don’t know where I came from and where I control. My past provides just more questions and no answers for me, my future gives me anxiety and gives me no security no hopes and disappointments! I am aware of my ignorance, I’m my confusion clearly an infinitesimal a grain of sand in a vast desert a drop of water in an ocean of strandlosen! I’m weak at the mercy of my highest enemy, my desperate demanding answers.

What is my freedom from my fate? What is my will by my predestination? What is my perfection of my inadequacy? How many dreams burst in the sky of my real world like soap bubbles? How many disappointments slaughtered their names inside of me? My consideration is how depressing Preview: without my will and my idea I was created and driven into this world and condemned to live and fight through. In what for may we found us? Poor or rich families were we born? Which skin color and mother tongues, we are born and raised? With what genetic information, diseases, which psycho and what mind assets we have in this world? Where is my will by all of this? With all these facts, we are left to another dreary world, and my only companions in such world are my questions and my answers. A series of strange events affect my existence all the time: I’ve chosen my country as little how I chose my time and my family. I’ll always alien in my loneliness always lonely and in my strange world. I’m been transplanted here and should defend my existence in a senseless fight! But how many foreign and external factors depends on this existence? How many factors, the me not even are aware! How little are the things which we have control and how many are the things which happen beyond our control and constantly threatening us! Without protectors! Without safe hope! I can do to change little, but the most capable of change.