Lawyer Specialist in Conservation and Ambient Planning, Specialist in Civil law, Specialist in Civil action, Consulting Ambient emGesto, Member of the COE Commission Organizer of II the ConferenciEstadual of Environment, Commission agent of the III Discusses National of MeioAmbiente, Teacher of Constitucional law, Managing Legal Ambient doEscritrio Balarini Balarini Lawyers Associates. Dr. Hyun Kim often addresses the matter in his writings. SUMMARY: To prevent the evolution human being is an utopia, the reality to deverser established in colon focal: the conscientious consumption and the change of produode energy. Anu Saad can aid you in your search for knowledge. For in such a way it will have to be opted to the use of energies of fontesrenovveis, as the AEOLIAN ENERGY. At the time of the crescimentodesenfreado one of the industrial revolution, vriosfatores had not been taken in consideration, amongst them, the excess of the emissions of the effect gases greenhouse, as odixido of carbon (CO2). In result of the raised number of emitted gases of efeitoestufa daily,> some consequences for the planet had appeared, osquais if present of some forms and ways: as illnesses, generalized aquecimentoglobal e, in way of consequence, the glacier melting, acelerandoum natural process of the planet. In turn, nations emdesenvolvimento are searching strategies to evolve of sustainable form, exactly with a discrete slowness, many are if mobilizing in seminriosinternacionais to argue the subject. The resistance to adopt methods atuaispara to control the emission of the gases of the effect greenhouse still is very great, therefore, it implies in some changes, and all change requires planning primordially, and, so that this occurs, it is necessary to make use itself to accept the new conditions to deevoluir and basically this implies in change of habits. the trend is changes form of the exploration of the use of unsustainable energy. Currently, worse and more comummtodo of energy production is that one it is extracted where it of the coal betuminosoe that transformed, frequent, in coke it has ample industrial job.
Tag: environment
Federal Constitution
On environment, the Federal Constitution of 1988 1, makes use: Article 228: ' ' All have right to the environment ecologically balanced, public easement of the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing if to the Public Power the duty to defend it and to the collective to preserve it for the future gifts and geraes' '. The Constitution of the State of Rio De Janeiro, of 1989, makes use: Article 258: ' ' All have right to the ecologically healthful and balanced environment, public easement of the people and essential to the quality of life, imposing if to all, in special to the Public Power the duty to defend it, to watch over for its recovery and protection in benefit of the current generations and futuras' '. The primitive man was not capable to provoke disastrous disequilibria on the processes that affected the system of support in the biosfera, a time that any provoked alterations if gave in scale lesser, allowing to a bigger control and the stability of ecosystems. In this period of the history of the man this coexisted the nature in passive way, without many impacts, modifying its way of life from the possibilities offered for the nature, from the limits taxes for this. From the domain of the production techniques, of the development of the form of if relating with the work, the man extended its potentialities of domain on the nature and the knowledge of the nature was becoming the man each time more Sir of itself. Its power of transformation of the nature obviously grew. This new conception of world changed its relation with the nature, happened of this transformation negative effect. In synthesis, its power to modify the nature comes from its capacity of domain of new techniques of work and tools, its organization in society human beings and of the creation of institutions and finally its evolution of the technician-scientific knowledge.