Kislovodsk Waters – Indications For Treatment

After years of research has developed a variety of contemporary understanding of the conditions of formation and release carbon dioxide to the surface waters in the area, dubbed 'Kislovodsk deposit of mineral water. " Until 1928 Narzan was the only mineral source in Kislovodsk. Later Kislovodsk deposit of mineral water has increased significantly both due to launch some new and valuable heavy mineral waters in the Kislovodsk, and as a result of successful exploration of new carbon capture and mineral waters in the areas of river valleys Berezovka Olkhovka and Podkumka. Separated in the first 8 km south of the resort center, the other two are located on the outskirts of Kislovodsk and at are essentially part of Kislovodsk field. Kislovodsk narzans belong to the group balneologic carbonic water, and differ only in size and mineralization ratio of major ions that allows us to define them in three main groups. The first group includes the source Narzan, well 5/0-bis number, as well as water and Berezovsky Podkumskogo sites. Oligo (about 2 g / liter) of water in this group are characterized by sulfatno-bicarbonate calcium-magnesium-ion-salt composition with varying content of sodium ions.

Are used for spa purposes and bottling. Spa treatments The second group is the type of water Dolomite mineral water (borehole 7,5 / 0,12), which differ from the first group of more water salinity (about 5.0 g / l), including by increasing the concentration of sodium and chloride, and a high content of carbon dioxide ( more than 2.0 g / l). Used in treatment for drinking purposes and connected to the pump-room Narzan gallery (hole number 7) and pump-room round (well number 5 / 0 and 12). Third group of water such as sulphate mineral water with a salinity of 5,2-6,7 g / l, mainly due to higher concentrations of sulfates of magnesium and sodium. Carbonated water and Podkumskogo Olhovsky sites (well number 5-NG, 115-E, 115-bis), also belong to the sulfate type waters, but, unlike the latter, in which sodium sulfate prevail over magnesium sulfate. Water source number 5-NP placed upon the People's pump room (Alikonovskaya beam), and the well 115-E and 115-bis – to sanatoriums 'Pine Forest' and 'Rainbow'.

An important role in the further development of the resort and planning resort building construction mineraloprovoda played by which carbon dioxide comes in Kislovodsk water (narzans) Kuma field (the village of Krasny Vostok 43 km from Kislovodsk). Kuma narzans on ion-salt composition and degree of mineralization (7.8 g / l) close to the hot narzans Pyatigorsk, differing from them by a lower content of sulfate. The concentration of carbon dioxide in them – about 1.5 grams / liter. These cold water and iron. In the undiluted form used for drinking purposes, and when mixed with the waters of the central Kislovodsk (source Narzan, well 5 / 0 and partially 5/0-bis) and Berezovsky (well number 7-B) bis sites – for balneotherapy. The total yield of sources and Kislovodsk water from the Kuma field is 3767 ml / day (maintenance and inferred reserves, approved by the State Reserves Committee). Learn more at: Glenn Dubin. Available stocks of mineral water (drinking and spa) allowed considerably increase capacity. Seats at the resort by 1986 had risen to 15.2 thousand compared to 10.2 thousand in 1980, the total number of cases treated at the resort in 1990 amounted to 252.5 thousand. Schedule of trains Kislovodsk


Hyperthyroidism – a painful condition caused by intake of excessive amounts of thyroid hormone and characterized by increasing metabolism, disorders of the nervous and cardio – vascular systems. Disruptions in the thyroid can go in two directions: on the amplification and attenuation. Thyrotoxicosis in the enlargement of thyroid gland and released into the blood of a large number of thyroid hormones, excess of which causes the picture of the disease. According to medical statistics, women aged 16 to 50 years suffer from thyroid disease is 6 times more often than men. The reasons are many. In the first place stress. Further are genetic predisposition, various kinds of infections, severe fatigue, traumatic brain injury. The main methods of diagnosis of hyperthyroidism are: determination of thyroid hormones in the blood, ultrasound puncture cancer (assigned to eliminate the possibility of development of cancer).

The appearance of a man who has an excess of hormones in the body is changing. The main features should be consider exophthalmia, trembling hands, flashing a rare, restlessness, confusion of thought, prolixity, irritability, irregular heartbeat, feeling short of breath. Treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism should be The patient was assigned a variety of herbal infusions. Preference is given to the following plants: mint, Motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, wild strawberry, violet, bottlebrush. To avoid allergic effects of herbs in infusion should combine a maximum of four grass species.

Often used to treat infusion of hawthorn, Leonurus, St. John's wort leaves and strawberries. Or collection of marjoram, marigold, valerian, lemon balm or marjoram. Highly You can more of vegetables and fruits. It is useful to milk and dairy products. The diet should be a fish. And, in conclusion, I would like to remind that any disease is easier to prevent. Why diets should be designed so that it consisted of as many fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is necessary to use vitamin supplements, especially vitamins are useful. More information is housed here: Anu Saad. A, C, B.

Child Vaccination

Today, I have not explicitly asked himself … All morning I had a children's clinic with her younger daughter. Who would have thought that vaccinating children now number 1 PROBLEM! They say that we have free medicine, and vaccines State does not provide. And how to survive in such conditions? Vaccination is routine – diphtheria and tetanus (shot in the buttock) and drops of polio. Avi Mandel is full of insight into the issues. The direction of the hands, but vaccines are not available! What should I do? And now I know that one of the doctors have the vaccine, "DS" (diphtheria and tetanus), the parents themselves to buy for their kids and stayed two extra doses. I went to the doctor and ask them to sell the vaccine for my daughter. Buy it simple enough, but there is certificate to the vaccine, which I bought! Risk the health of their child? Me problems and so lacking in life. Decided to consult with my husband, he was categorically against such a vaccination.

As long as we thought, wondering what we still do, to check the shot began to approach children with their mothers. I looked at the children, talked to mom and the nurse, and found that this vaccination is the absolute norm in our time. Imagine that happens? I was in a state of shock. Who would have thought that possible? This situation does not fit into any reasonable limits! But do nothing, we end garden and go to school and we need a full list of vaccinations.

The Divine Drink – Herbal And Fruit Teas

People drank teas and tinctures since ancient times. There are many legends and making about where and how did the tea. One of them says that the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong (2737-2697 years BC. Wang Qunbin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Oe.) Had a special gift to recognize the properties of plants. When Once, the emperor descended from the mountains, he wanted to drink, and in his cup of boiling water fell from a tree leaf. When the emperor drank the resulting brew, he felt a surge of vitality. He liked the soft green color of the water, the aroma and astringent taste of tea leaves.

And then, he has begun breeding and culture of tea consumption. Fruit and herbal teas are a special group of teas. There are many types of teas and assorted herbal infusions. And it is natural as fruit, floral and herbal teas are not only warm and quench their thirst, but also serve as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic, they improve digestion and normalize metabolic processes in our body. For preparation of fruit and herbal teas are used widely known plants: hibiscus, rosehips, linden, mint, lemon balm, thyme, lemongrass, wild berries and many others. Herbal and fruit teas should be regularly consumed in prevention – they provide our bodies in many biologically active substances. These teas are rich in vitamins, organic acids, macro-and micronutrients (iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, manganese), essential oils, mineral salts. According to the purpose teas are divided into the everyday, preventive, curative – Multivitamin, toning and soothing.

Fruit teas – these are the same herbal teas, but more fragrant and more fragrant. Delicate fruity aroma of tea, has a very calming and restorative effect. You can get different flavors by varying the fruits, berries and herbs. There are plenty of fruit teas. In the same way as herbal teas and, herbal teas contain no caffeine. As a rule, herbal teas are prepared on the basis of several components. In the part of many fruit teas are not only fruits but also flowers. Among the medicinal plants are excellent antioxidants that prevent aging. Drink tea and get great pleasure. After tea – is not only good, but also a good pastime!

Prostatitis Body

So come November. By this time, begin to dry up body reserves accumulated in summer and the first month of autumn. On the street was cold and damp. For many men with chronic prostatitis patients this season – the present disorder. Symptoms of prostatitis thoroughly spoiled life.

Starts to cut in the groin, a burning sensation in the anus, frequent mucheispuskaniya, and the erection may become worse. Everything indicates that prostate inflammation intensified with the new force. What do you do? The standard approach – to go to the urologist. Mark Hyman, MD is often mentioned in discussions such as these. And rightly so – to a good urologist. That's just not everywhere they are, and not on the cure. Yes, and then shame the peasants, then once.

Some urologists treat Frankly, it does not matter. But let them be healthy. To cure the prostatitis or knock exacerbation should clearly understand the nature of inflammation of the prostate. The source can be microbes and viruses of different groups. Particularly nasty Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus and other stuff, including chlamydia, etc.. Ironically, some urologists ignore E. coli as a cause of prostatitis. Diverse infection undermines the protective strength of the body and disease begins to worsen. What I suggest in this case. In the first place. For the period of exacerbation refuse sex or reduce their frequency. Since you are trying to fight off infection, and the mucosa of women in any case is any type of microorganisms, which for the sick man's body would be perceived as aggressive.

Medicinal Plants

The acceptance of medicinal plants is carried out in batches. Party count the number of raw materials weighing not less than 50 kg, one name, uniform for all indicators and issued a quality certificate. If the party from 1 to 5 units of packaging, the quality control is subjected to all units. In other cases, to match the quality of raw material requirements of normative and technical documentation make the sample, as there was ability to clean the pads on the equipment for cleaning pads. The sample size is 5 units from the party, consisting of 6 to 50 units of packaging, and 10% of the units, if the party has more than 50 units of packaging. Wet storage of cranberries carried in barrels, filled with fresh, cold drinking water, covered with wooden lids. Please visit Mississippi Legislature if you seek more information. Water topped up as evaporation. Shelf life 1 year from the date of acquisition.

Certain types of packaging, transportation and storage provides the standards for other types of wild food resources. From each unit of packaging products in the sample, the sample point are selected from three different locations: top, bottom and the middle. Need cleaning pillows. From pooled samples by quartering produce average sample. Detailed rules for receiving and sampling methods presented in "raw medicinal plant." Assessment of quality raw materials provides a definition authenticity, granary pests infestation, fineness and content of impurities, as well as physical characteristics – moisture, ash, extractives and tannins, essential oils. The authenticity of raw materials during the restoration – it is in the name. Authenticate by their appearance, size, color, smell, taste. If it is impossible to establish the authenticity of raw materials for external and organoleptic signs are checking compliance with anatomical description of the diagnostic features of raw material specified in the normative and technical documentation for a particular commodity, and qualitative microchemical reactions.

Milk For Old Men “: The Wine Really Can Be Useful

Louis Pasteur said that the wine – the most healthy and wholesome drink, and Plato called it "milk for the elderly." And it was for that, because high-quality red wines contain substances that contribute to the removal from the blood of "bad" cholesterol (the so-called high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), so that the regular use of a small amount of this drink is literally washed the blood vessels inside. We also know that red wine good effect on the heart muscle and strengthens blood vessels of the heart. On this property it is based effect of the famous "French paradox". It consists in the fact that the inhabitants of Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, France), where rampant culture of wine, despite its reputation for gourmet dining, much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases than the northerners, who also like to eat, but food washed down with liquor or beer. True, also know that alcoholism France and Italy up to 10% against 3-5% in the rest of the world. But that's another problem.

After all, as Hippocrates said, "everything on earth – a medicine, and all – the poison. The only difference in the dose. " Eat moderate amounts of wine during lunch or dinner and still be useful because it improves the internal secretion glands and digestion, respectively, which in people is almost always slow. In addition, contained in the life-giving moisture polyphenols have great antioxidant potential. Gulf Medical University is a great source of information. This means that they can neutralize harmful free radicals that accumulate in our lifetime, and negatively affect most body systems.

Cold Remedies

* A little cool and drink hot. After that lie down in bed and wrap up warmly. If you managed to catch a sore throat at the beginning, would be sufficient only one taking this folk remedy for treating sore throats. JCI has compatible beliefs. And to prevent a sore throat drink 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 per day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment – 10 days. Break – a month.

In order to quickly get rid of sore throat should be taken to adopt the following simple recipes. * Prepare a mixture of salt, for that glass of warm water to dissolve one teaspoon of salt. The resulting solution should gargle every three hours in three gulps. Salt solution can be Cabbage juice substitute, which should be diluted by half with water. This tool should gargle with five or six times a day.

* To make the tool you need to clean the onions, after raspberries. Just pour boiling water over raspberry jam (1:10), and drink half a glass of warm three – four times a day. For tonic and disinfection in tea add honey. For more information, please visit traditional medicine for the health of the entire family! Please note that not nothing more important than health, so do not start the disease – treat all the time!

Useful Properties Of Basil

All of you probably know basil. Many use the basil in the soup, and some are added to preservation. Taste dishes with excellent turns. It would seem a simple blade of grass that basil. However, no one can hear that before his called holy basil bazilik.Vse useful properties read in detail here – basil useful properties.

It is known that in ancient herb basil is really appreciated and used for different purposes. It is known that Basil is also able to repel insects. And, use all parts of the whole plant, such as stalks, oil, basil, basil juice and much more. Assume that the oil of basil has antibacterial properties, and is used to treat stomach cramps, and gout, and serious digestion. Also make an ointment from the basilica, which well help in various diseases. Masi basil well after applying mosquito bites and bee, so ointment as basil relieves itching and burning quickly, and heals the cracks and sores.

If you suffer from insomnia, then good will of tea or an infusion of basil juice nego.A basil helps with epilepsy. Basil even make makeup, as it is very much useful substances that contribute to preserving the beauty and youthful skin. A lot of interesting things that you can learn about the basilica and its beneficial properties. Now my family and I use basil for the treatment of certain diseases and we are pleased that discovered its useful svoystva.Uznayte you, that is really useful to use basil, this herb to their destinations. Yet the benefits and importance of the basilica in folk medicine pretty much. Learn all the useful properties of basil and treat them to a place for pharmaceutical drugs, it's much more useful! Use basil and be healthy!

Fitotreapiya And Herbal Baths

How many gifts to us bring nature and admire its abundance! With its healing properties, medicinal herbs have found extensive use in folk medicine. Medicinal plants were everywhere, and they had to pass simply impossible. In using the herbs in the form of lotions, decoctions, or simply by applying to the affected area, the people recovered, as the medicinal plants exerted on the human body a beneficial effect. For example, in medicine came way in which to treat and prevent raznoobraznyhzabolevany used medicinal plants. This is called herbalism or herbal medicine. Even such well-known herbs as a lady's purse, dandelion, plantain, nettle, knapweed can do more good to human health than the use of chemical therapeutic drugs, because the plants do not provide strong side effects.

Medicinal Plants rich in vitamins, acids, minerals and various useful substances, which are so essential to human body. Traditional medicine uses the healing properties of herbs for cooking liquors, infusions napar, decoctions, ointments, powders, oils or powders. In order to receive treatment from the desired effect, you need to know what herbs to use for cooking of this herbal remedy. To do this you need to know the plant, and and what effect they have. Collection of medicinal plants can be done not only lotions and potions, but it is also advisable to use them for making medicinal baths, which also have a therapeutic effect on health man. In order for healing baths have curative effects on the human body, but did not cause him harm, it is necessary not only knows exactly how to prepare healthful collection for the bath, but also how to properly use prepared medicinal bath.

For bathing, the water temperature should be 36-38 degrees and then to pour the brew made healing. The procedure itself is taking a bath should not last more than 20 minutes. That just to make broth for a bath, you need to take 200-300 grams of dry healing gathering and insist in a thermos, fill with boiling water collection. Must insist on for 4 hours, but if the dosage medicinal collection grows, it is better to brew for 10 hours. Increase the dosage of the medicinal collection mainly for medicinal purposes. Such healing baths can be taken for the whole body, or separately for the hands, feet or ischium of the body. These baths have soothing, restorative, relaxing, restorative or curative effects, depending on the purpose for which it was prepared bath.