Alow Vera

In the antiquity the Aloe Side it was symbol of eternal youth. Greek and they used it to the Romans by its laxative, digestive and healing properties. Nowadays they are many plus the virtues that are known him. The use of the Aloe Side Combat and Comes up more than eighty common and complex diseases.Some of these diseases that are dealt with this product given by the nature are: problems of stomach (pain or acidity), ulcers, cold, pressure discharge, low pressure, internal hemorroides, and external hemorroides, conjuntivitis, headache, resfros, influenza, asthma, diabetes, hepatic crisis, mareos, take out again, burns by fire, burns by chemical agents and sun burns, hurt and muscular injuries, blows and twists, scars, pains, punctures of mosquitos, fungi, calluses and internal in the nose, pain tooth, aftas, herpes labial, lips droughts and cracked eyes of rooster, problems. Read more from William Davis MD to gain a more clear picture of the situation. With respect to the care of the beauty it is advised stops: the cleaning of skin, spots in the skin, eliminates the acne, after the shaving like softener and desinflamatorio, for the hair prevents the dandruff and the grasitud; in order to deal with the mixed cellulitis with gel Asian flash or ivy it stimulates the regeneration of new cells and activates the metabolism of fats.

Test to know if he is allergic to the plant: in the internal part of the wrist and behind the ear a small piece of the cut leaf is due to apply so that the pulp is in the open. If immediately the zone where it was applied presents/displays eruptions or reddening not the aloe must use. In the section " Salud" of you will find like preparing this gift of the nature for each problem; besides other articles for the care of the body the mind and the spirit. Original author and source of the article.

Natural Stress Reduction

Stress is any change either alteration that the body suffers when this in constant nervous, emotional or mental tension to product of preoccupations, personal, familiar problems, of the work, the study, economic, conflicts of pair, anxiety or depression, etc. Is an action chain that takes place in our bodies thanks to our nervous system. Cortisol is one of main hormones involved in the stress, that helps to regulate the immunological system, the pressure, and the dream. Therefore, high cortisol levels chronically, can be the low cause of insomnia, defenses, and alterations in the glucose levels in blood. Each person undergoes the stress of different way, some estan always angry and try to remove outside towards that internal tension. They internalise it to others and they abuse other people, the alcohol or drugs.

As a result of constant stress, you will notice that possibly your body will begin to work badly, and can derive to really serious problems of health. By as much, if you suffer of stress is advised that you learn to reduce it naturally. What can make control their problem of stress? It sleeps 8 hours daily When sleeping our body this in recovery state and descanzo. Sleeping the 8 recommended hours it can reduce to the cortisol levels a 50% and help it to control stress without medicine. Exercise Something very easy and free that can do is to walk of 30 to 45 minutes to the day. Not only it will help his body to diminish stress but also it would help to lower him of weight. Nutrition Tomato a black tea glass. The black tea aid to reduce the cortisol levels after a estresante event by 47%.

The scientists think that polifenoles and flavonoides contained in the black tea can be the people in charge of their tranquilizing effect. Chiropractics the quiroprcticos adjustments can help to reduce the pressure in the nervous system, improving its ability to tolerate and to adapt to the pressures of the life. The quiroprctico decompresses the estresados nerves of the column allowing that its body works to the 100% free one of tension, pain and stress. Perhaps it is not possible to eliminate the stress of his life completely. Nevertheless, with sufficient rest, exercise, good nutrition and the aid of a quiroprctico, you can react better to the challenges than opposite.