196 and segs.). In the activities of this nature, beyond of the measures of security that the law announces, the worker will have right to the risk premium. Beyond these aspects how much to the prevention of accidents, the worker has to its side against the exhaustion and labor fatigue, laws that limit the hours of working. When habitually or bonanza the hours of working is extending, the worker has right to be remunerated by overtime. On the overtime Russomano (2006, p.313) it affirms that: No hypothesis the habitual extension of the day will be able to exceed two daily hours (art. 59) e, in the unhealthy activities, the individual agreement or the collective convention will depend on previous assent of the administrative authority of the Ministry of the Work (art. 60). It is demanded, outrossim, that the suplemental or extraordinary hours better are remunerated that the common hours, because in them the effort developed for the worker is bigger.
The individual agreement or the collective accord can indicate the percentage of the increase, that never would have to be inferior the twenty percent of contractual wage (art. 59, 1) and that today it cannot be lesser of what fifty percent (Federal Constitution, art. 7, incorporation XVI). At last, all these measures of protection to the worker, must be respected and be implemented by the employer to propitiate an adequate and less desgastante environment of work. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES the Social Legislation impose limits and rules aiming at the protection of the worker, visa the perigos how much the hygiene and security of the work that the current industrial activity prints. This object of study is very important in such a way for the diligent classroom manufacter, how much for the administrators and professionals of the legal area, since the subject is placed inside of the universe of performance of these classrooms. Moreover, these involved ones must be cliente of its rights and obligations before the law.
Our purpose is to call the attention so that the working laws of protection to the worker duly are known and placed in practical by the administrators in its places of work, even because the measures that had been boarded here are duties of the employers and rights of the employees. After one sucinta historical evolution of the work, since the slavery until the current days, the quarrel is centered in the relation between work and health, leading in consideration the consuming that the modern industry applies on the worker. Finally, it is approached way for which the Social Legislation aid in the reduction it consuming and fatigue it work. REFERENCES MARX, Karl. The Capital (Critical of the Economy Politics). Book 1. Vol. 1. The Process of Production of the Capital. 25 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Brazilian civilization, 2008. MARX, Karl. The Capital: (Critical of the Economy Politics). Book 3. Vol. 4. The Global Process of Capitalist Production. 25 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Brazilian civilization, 2008. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Human resources. Compact Ed., 7 ed. So Paulo: Atlases, 2002. MILKOVICH, George T. /BOUDREAU, John W. Administration of Human resources. They are Pablo: Atlases, 2000. RUSSOMANO, Mozart Victor. Course of Right of the Work. 9 ed. (year 2002), 5 to tir. Curitiba: Juru, 2006.