
_ Vai to survive. It is plus a craniano trauma of what properly life risk. Bad vase is not broken! _ Olha here the test! The youngster, remembering the sermon of the doctor played. _ Who is it? It wanted to know the governor. _ The first member of the group who was apanhado in an ambush, back in the river! _ E, why the craniano trauma? _ Reached it to a bullet in the face! _ Who shot? Discrete, the doctor pointed youngster, whom, confused, he looked to defend itself: _ Age it or I. It had shot, for my coasts. The handle saw! _ Nobody is accusing, my son. We are is very happy for you to be alive! _ But I am that I do not obtain to understand why the people if deliver to the use of the weapons, when I am much more gostoso to handle a guitar! The governor wanted to see the wounded and he preceded it to the doctor.

Moved for the curiosity to see the prodigy of the youngster, they had followed them to the others. It was not only glad itself Minutes later, had arrived two nurses with order of carrying to the cover next to the garden, what it cheered the youngster of being able to again see the light of the Sun. They had put the stream bed in the way and a very familiar sound vibrated in its spandrels. It did not need to look at to know that one was about the non-separable guitar. Sandrinha asked for to make a sound. The sergeant extended the violo to the engineer, but it was intercepted by the governor, who caught the instrument and said: _ Desculpe, Dr. Carlos, but Mr. already must have very touched with the senhorita and my time is very short, pra that me it deprives of this pleasure! played a lesser one there, that was struck by the young woman.