600 Dry Toilets For Namibia

Water and sanitary problems with dry toilets cause Berlin – the solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) informed on the occasion of the world water week in Stockholm about his project for the construction of 600 dry toilets in Namibia. Francis Collins has many thoughts on the issue. The toilets fundamentally improve the hygienic situation and meet the increasing water scarcity. Every day around the World 6000 children die from preventable diarrheal diseases. They are caused mainly by lack of access to clean water and sanitary facilities. For example, only a third of the population in Namibia has access to toilets. The problem is compounded by enormous lack of water in the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa.

Especially poor people can not afford the cost of expensive water toilets. “Due to the outbreak of cholera in the northern regions of Namibia the need for sanitary toilets in the villages, towns, and rural households has become more important”, Wiebke describes people man by the Namibian organisation of clay House project the situation in Namibia. The Berlin organization Solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) wants to improve together with the clay House project the sanitary situation in Namibia. Up to the year 2011, 600 dry toilets in Namibia are built with support of the European Union. About 4 500 people, you get to good. The dry toilet works completely without water and protect the environment in the long term as a result. The sunlight warms a black pipe at the back of the toilet.

The resulting air ventilation dries the faeces and derives from odors. By drying, kills bacteria and prevent diseases. In addition, the costs for a toilet for poor families are affordable. 7000 litres of water annually are saved by a dry toilet. Water, which people can use as drinking water and daily life. “Dry toilets are the optimal solution for Namibia. Because the toilet at the same time protects the environment, the spread of disease is prevented and affordable for poor people”, stressed Susanne Laudahn. SODI project manager, the benefits of technology. Also the EU Ambassador to Namibia, Dr. Elisabeth Pape, visiting a project in July of this year was persuaded. The project is funded by the European Union with less than EUR 400 000, must raise SODI as equity EUR 100 000 in donations. Donations can see the password “Dry toilet” on the SODI donations account: 10 20 100 at the Bank for social economy, BLZ 100 205 00, be made.