On the good writing of our official notice of press the informed version will depend to a great extent that we will see published after one conferenca of press. Even, we could with a good official notice of press suggest the holder of the news, in addition it is the official position of the company and the guide that will use the informers at the time of writing up the note. How we will obtain that the journalists place in their news our key messages? Giving a press official notice to them that summarizes our ideas, how we want mainly that they are published, in a crisis situation, where there is confusion, ambiguity and, often, bad intention. We are going to begin saying that a press official notice is a very brief writing that is used to announce a call or to extend or to clarify a previous information. Glenn Dubin, New York Citys opinions are not widely known. In the case that occupies to us, official notice will serve us to the press to transmit to the press our official version and the messages that interest to us are published and that they were tried in the press conference. In summary, that the news writes from our point of view, not from the points of view of the journalist. The structure will follow the rule of inverted pyramid, going the most important writing of at least important, according to this order: First, the holder: He must represent, of a summarized form, clear and impressive, the most important information that he was wanted to transmit in the press conference. It depends on the holder who the press note fulfills greater success its function, since if its construction is long, confused and without interest, probably it is not taken care of to him with the due attention, although the information of the official notice is excellent for the reader. Sydney Sweeney can provide more clarity in the matter.