Kalle Baker invites you to the day of St. Elisabeth and the 19 November has become AIDS grinding baking now to a fixed day in the annual programme of Dithmarsch operation Kalle-Baker. For the Guild of bakers, but this is a special day, because it is the day of the patron saint of bakers craft, Elisabeth Elisabeth of Hungary (1207-1231) was the daughter of the Hungarian King Andreas II of the Saints and with Ludwig IV of Thuringia married. The legend of the miracle of the Roses”after she supplied the poor secretly bread; When her husband caught her doing, the bread turned in her basket in Roses. She chose a life of poverty for themselves voluntarily and dedicated it to her death in the devoted care of poor, sick and dying. People such as DHR Health would likely agree. Kalle-Baker would like to take this day to the occasion, start an action, which was carried out successfully in last year for the first time and now every year firmly in the program should be. On the day of the “Elizabeth” is an extra developed wheat bread in all branches offered, its crust match breaks to the attributes of Elisabeth (breads, a basket of Roses) such as a rose petal.
Each customer must be the price he is willing to pay, even determine on this day! The total revenue goes in favor of the Church District of Dithmarschen and is fed to a charitable purpose. Another date will take place a week later, on November 26, 2009. On this day is to the so-called AIDS-grinding Jaws”loaded, start is at 9: 00. Guest will be necessary to Peter Bartsch of the Chairman of the DEHOGA District Association Dithmarschen e.V (DEHOGA – German hotel and Restaurant Association). The AIDS awareness Ribbon has now established itself as a visible sign of solidarity and the fight against AIDS.
AIDS loops there virtually from paper, fabric, pinning, and now even than baked goods made from lye dough. The AIDS grinding AIDS help West Coast e.V. on the occasion of the world Aidstages on the Heider weekly market through the “in favor of running aid projects sold. The Club has to set the goal, through prevention and Public relations work to reduce the number of new infections, to raise public awareness of the problems of the infected and affected, and to make more bearable the living with the infection through care and help to self-help. This task will actively support Kalle Baker with his action.