Galaries Lafayette Berlin

Non-binding and free of charge testing as Shop music special service offers the possibility to test Auracle sound in store music without obligation and free of charge, for 30 days in detail. Auracle sound should not convince you then simply return the device to us again. But so far 9 out of 10 test users wanted to not give away your device after the test phase. Further information to store music and Auracle sound, art and music, as well as to conditions and prices, see. Prospects for an Auracle sound test equipment please contact by eMail at or by phone at the number 030-75653911 our Berlin Shop Music Office. We will send you a device you. Extract references 14 oz, Camp David, Zaatari outlet store, bread & butter fashion week Berlin, Galaries Lafayette Berlin and Jakarta, KDeWe, Q design hotels, Diehl man, Haagen Dazs, Mavi Jeans, jades, Superdry, oil & vinegar. We feel musical trends for our clients to advise with regard to sound concepts for the respective location, and make a music selection adapted to the clientele. Auracle Sound Music Streaming music shop offers an outstanding solution for the target groups precise sound directly at the POS. Our partners are companies from the luxury segment but just as the retail, catering, hotels, surgeries or wellness.