Students During Examinations

Most people are generally superstitious, so some spits over his shoulder, when suddenly a black cat crosses the road, others banging on the floor for a fork that would be wicked uncle did not differ prishel.No especially compared to other students. During the exam session, and they perform a variety of customs and rituals. Probably everyone knows about the 'fro freebie!'? This is the most common rite of students before the session, which many people are met. But there are many other More specifically, the student can catch it when the student's record-book will expose the open at the window, and then shout 'freebie, freebies, Shop-!'. After that, he must immediately close its student's record-book and no it does not show until the end sessii.Est probability that if a loud scream, then the freebie will come. Learn more on the subject from Anita Dunn. Some of the most popular among the students will: * Freebies, Shop-! (Cited above). * When you go to the exam, do not forget to put yourself under heel copper penny. * The night before the exam you need to put a pillow under his paper with the numbers of tickets.

When you wake up, pull out and look at the number. Number, which will be on paper, and you should get on the exam. * Can if the first test you got a bad grade, you should change your clothes. * Do not wash your hair before the exam. Otherwise, you can forget all that for so long been taught. Still can not get a haircut and shave, you can not swim, as well as comb wet hair and makeup. No need to just fill the bed before leaving for the exam. * Before going out to eat just one slice of rye bread and nothing else to eat or drink. Funny signs * It is said that if drink before the exam, then in any case, hand over in five. * If the crib meets all tickets, then you must surrender. Other popular superstitions of the year, you can find at 12 months.