NLP Practitioner Course Now Profession In Gottingen

Professional communication as a key to the success of oriented communications among the key success factors in the context of the work. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a method which can provide efficient and result-oriented communication and coaching. More info: Dr. Mark J Berger. Until February 21 you can register in the short term course for the NLP practitioner. Interested can register in addition to the Organizer. The seminar includes a total of 200 hours in the period from February to November 2011 and takes place in each three-day block seminars. The venue is Gottingen. The NLP practitioner training is carried out by NLP trainer Sebastian Mauritz, promptly appointed the seminar start teaching coach. Nancy-Ann_DeParle insists that this is the case. Furthermore, complementary aspects for the business area such as such as moderation of processes and employee interviews are integrated in the seminar.

So can a successful participation in both the “NLP Practitioner” certificate according to the standard of the German Association for neuro-linguistic Acquired programming e. V. (DVNLP) as also the certificate of “business NLP practitioner ‘ the NLP Academy of Gottingen. Birgit Schroeter

Berlin Chamber Company

Hearing-acoustics provider opts for the HorPartner GmbH qualified young talent from within their own ranks is one of the best training establishments in the capital. For years, the provider for good hearing, which operates 20 stores in Berlin and another 10 in Brandenburg relies on qualified talent from within their own ranks. Now, the HorPartner GmbH in the context of the competition 2011 was Berlin’s best training company “honored for its ongoing commitment. Europe’s largest youth fair YOU could the company as one of 30 companies that take in receiving a coveted by the Berlin Chamber of crafts as well as awarded by the IHK Berlin since 2004. John Craig Venter oftentimes addresses this issue. Approximately every fifth inhabitant of our region living with a reduced hearing; and a professional hearing care can save a significant piece of quality of life and ability to communicate all those people”, so Percy Schoeneck, Managing Director of HorPartner GmbH. the prerequisite for this is not only the Advanced hearing aid technology. Cardiologist has many thoughts on the issue. This technique must be set exactly to the respective individual hearing loss. And you need solid knowledge, sense when dealing with people, as well as craftsmanship of all things that need to be of the Pike on learned.” The year HorPartner GmbH fits thousands hearing aids in their now 30 specialty shops.

The regional provider of hearing-acoustics to fully meet its high standards of quality, consistently opts for qualified young talent from within their own ranks. often quoted on this topic. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Anu Saad. Since company was founded in the mid of 90’s here 41 trainees have completed their teaching to the hearing. Most of them were adopted after passing examination and could move forward in the company. Currently, 16 trainees and student learning at HorPartner GmbH. Dedicated support, high quality of education and career prospects for their promotion of the most dedicated, as well as for the high quality of education and the professional perspectives of the trainees in the operation the HorPartner Berlin’s best training company have now been in the framework of competition 2011 “honored.


As a charisma-coaching, management of employees leads to professional success, but also the work in teams, manage when you arrive at your employees and colleagues. Communication from the power out only partly achieved this goal. To a culture of fear can arise here and on the other hand develops resistance if necessary. Passive resistance always greater effect than active authority indicates the business coach Michael grinder. By the same author: Bessel van der Kolk. Charisma including I understand the effect of a person on others by inner congruence and the report me the communication needs of these people. People have many different communication needs; Examples include recognition for their performance and be seen in their uniqueness. I communicate, however, in teams on par”, a completely different kind of communication can be charismatic. Come at the right time determined and convincing body language is needed in this situation.

Charisma have so depends what position I (Executive or) Employees), what type of communication I’m (leader or crew member”), in what situations or with whom I communicate (with subordinate employees or in a team with colleagues) and how I communicate reasonably situation in these contexts. Coaching allows you to understand not only these relationships, but to bring the appropriate behaviour in everyday life. Why people react with resistance to leadership from a position of power? Hierarchies are not always and everywhere well regarded. However, is the form of rankings the people in the cradle. Children make rankings constantly changing criteria. Non-human primates attach great importance to social hierarchies.

Some spend the better part of the day take conflicts, arising from the infringement of rankings. Contrary to this trend to form natural hierarchies, people have developed a number of mechanisms to reduce hierarchies, or even to deny, though they in fact exist. The Development of weapons and the communication skills that enabled our ancestors to enter coalitions, are the most important factors here.

Lauer Direct New Showroom

Interactive whiteboards live present Trier, 13.12.2010 – the launch of the new demonstration Center has fallen: beginning of 2011 will house the new headquarters by Lauer direct also a demonstration centre for interactive whiteboards. Manufacturer-independent interactive panels of various leading Whiteobard manufacturer, presented soft directly including Promethean, Panasonic, Epson, so that an optimal comparison is possible. Several interactive whiteboards will be therefore constantly demonstration ready. This is the start of a new stage of development of our product presentation and part of our advanced marketing strategy! “, says about Karl Gunter Lauer, founder and CEO of Lauer direct. The direct comparison in the live test optimizes finding the most appropriate unit in terms of the needs and requirements of the customers.” The exhibition and demonstration Center allows the presentation under realistic conditions. The personal impression and trying out many customers have requested, for example, of trim levels of the interactive whiteboards, we do so here”, so Karl Gunter Lauer. In the new showroom in Trier customers from the region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Luxembourg are served. In the demonstration Center training courses and training for employees of the regional companies and authorities can take place also in the future upon request. The demonstration Center is an additional foothold in the marketing conception of Lauer direct. The various online platforms for school furniture and less complex products of the school facilities, and also the supraregional distribution concept for interactive whiteboards remain, of course. This is an excellent complement and will continue to promote our declared strategy of expansion”, says CEO Lauer. About Lauer direct: Lauer direct is an established provider of school furniture and a variety of articles of school facilities and teaching and learning: by the Education Cabinet through interactive whiteboards to musical instruments and materials for the biology or the physical education. The company was founded in 2007 by Karl Gunter Lauer and continuously further developed. Lauer direct is a manufacturer-independent platform for the direct sale and one of the most popular online providers on the German market. Lauer direct relies on logistic structures of the market-leading manufacturers and can offer schools so costs technically optimized delivery. For the full range of products for professional use in school, training and presentation you see at:. Specifically for interactive boards (whiteboard) Web site operates, which provides a comprehensive overview of this product area Lauer direct in addition.


On November 18 the Chambers of Commerce and industry organized a day of action under the motto ‘ without power and double bottom? The Chambers of Commerce and industry on November 18 held a day of action under the slogan without power and double bottom? Socially secured start”and started a survey of 685 entrepreneurs there. The questionnaire contained questions to the efforts of the respective young entrepreneurs in the field of private pension schemes. According to Chambers of Commerce, 77% of respondents have specified this already to have made arrangements in the area of private pension schemes. 23% have but still no their own pensions. Contact information is here: Nancy-Ann_DeParle. On pension products, especially the private pension insurance was high in the course apart from life insurance. Almost half of all respondents have also indicated the compulsory membership in the statutory pension insurance. Asked to comment on the future behaviour 65% of the entrepreneurs indicated that they want to do even more for their retirement, whereas 35% do not have. 47% have also completed a voluntary unemployment, which denied the remaining 53%. On the basis of these results can be seen, it is certainly not bad ordered to the pensions of the entrepreneur, but on the other hand still a lot needs to be done so that later come out nobody without a corresponding provision. Private pension plans for more information on the subject please visit also

TRY BA (4-6 August)

three days Bachelor marketing communication or communication design to the sample study is sufficient alone the openness of advertising and communication? Who asks this question, can a three-day trial study in the Bachelor of communication design or marketing communication / communication management self test, if so a degree in question comes. The design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) therefore offered from 4-6 August 2008 for those interested TRY BA. The participants get a detailed picture of content and flow, as well as requirements of the study. And they learn a lot about their own skills during the three days. Because application consulting and editing a practice project, which also will be presented at the end of the trial studies are on the program. Insights in seminars and events, as well as visit a Berlin advertising agency are part of the program developed specifically for the College prospects. More information is housed here: BGR Group.

After the completion is clear to most participants, in which direction the future go should. “Free the motto only try and then study.” The design Academy berlin, school of communication and design (FH) is a nationally recognized private University of applied sciences and Academy was founded in 2007 from the design berlin out. These forms since 1995 new recruits for the communication and advertising sector. Bachelor’s degree programmes (communication design and marketing communication / communication management) and master’s degree programmes (creative direction, marketing communication and corporate communication) are offered at the College. Characteristic of the College are manageable familial term associations of maximum of 27 students and a practice-oriented training aligned to the requirements of the market. Graduates of design Academy berlin work inter alia for BBDO, TBWA, sat. 1, Scholz & friends, Rolls-Royce Germany, to the Golden deer, Hugo Boss AG and the German Bundestag. For further information to the sample study, the registration form and more information, see probestudium.html There are photos from the last test study aktuelles.html Nico Klingler

Hanze University Groningen

New course “advanced sensor applications” now include cars between 50 and 150 sensors and rising. Everyday things, like metal detectors, digital cameras, traffic control systems, or mobile phones today can’t do without sensor technology. More and more companies conducting research in this field, to simplify or improve processes and products. In short: The sensor industry is booming! According to a survey of the AMA Association for sensor technology (February 2008) 77 percent of the respondents of the Professional Association for the field “Sensor technology” want to hire new employees. It is all the more gratifying so that the newly founded “Hanze Institute of technology” (HIT) in the Netherlands Assen offered an English course dedicated to precisely this future technology.

Because of the course “advanced sensor applications” is aimed directly at learning the technology and the use of sensors in everyday life from what is becoming increasingly important in the future. Professor Hans Appel of the HIT describes the future development of sensor technology with some clear words: “An innovative revolution in this area awaits us”. Many international companies and organizations, such as for example astron, NAM (shell), sensor universe, Sun Microsystems and TNO are partners of the new European competence center for sensor technology. Through this partnership, a project-bound study offered the students where they practice and individual accompaniment work together with the company. Graduates of secondary schools and technical secondary schools from all over Europe are trained at Assen the engineer elite of tomorrow. Prospective students from Germany complete their studies at the HIT, which organizationally is part of the Hanze University Groningen, so in a very international framework. Until the end of August you can sign up for the study in Assen. Language of study is English.

Restricting access (NC) does not exist. More information about the Hanze Institute of technology and interested parties will find the new course. The Hanze University Groningen is a modern institution, whose history however until the year 1797 goes back. Today, the Hanze University Groningen with 20,000 students and about 70 degrees is the largest vocational schools in the North of the Netherlands. The 70 courses are organized into 18 so-called schools. For students, this means: international orientation, active learning, a part of the studies themselves determine digital study planning and knowledge – and competence development.

Qualification Makes

The Limesmuseum Training Institute offers an in-service training to the Office Manager Street Berger consensus training employees of legal or tax advisory firms. Relieve the Chief, make the atmosphere positive, guide the trainees, disgruntled clients manage and optimize work processes and others for a law firm Manager is responsible. To qualify for such tasks, the local training Institute offers road Berger consensus training employees of attorney or tax adviser firms an in-service training to the Office Manager. The launch will take place on September 6, 2008 in Berlin. Then start the courses in which the paralegal by accountants, notaries and lawyers by the specialists of road Berger consensus trained training part-time certified firm managers can settle in almost all major German cities. To make it fit the participants for their diverse tasks, the eight qualification includes 15 single modules.

In each module, we provide the participants”all relevant techniques for effective, modern firm management, explains Maria A. Musold, owner of the local training Institute offering this training since 2006 with great success. Hard and soft skills in 150 lessons learn the participants, later independently management tasks in the firms to take over and successfully act as binding site between superiors and clients or colleagues. Therefore factual knowledge, include a substantive focus on the modules, which are carried out every 14 days, about law firm marketing, business administration, controlling, optimization of work processes and quality management, as well as soft skills, such as rhetoric, time management, client care, team and leadership etc.. , Maria A.

Musold, reported because the Office Manager are success training is deliberately very versatile for the firm”as the right hand of her chief work, they need to effectively relieve.” Thus its graduates will effectively contribute to the success of the firm, Musold and their coaches impart very practical knowledge. The future Office Manager can use so what you learned in their professional life. If necessary the participants can brush up on free individual modules, as often as they wish. If someone finds vulnerabilities in his daily work, he must have finally the possibility, to work”, the Institute owner established this special service. Fair conditions, the number of participants per course is limited to 12 people. Tax, notary or clerk specialist as well as commercially trained, the latter should have a three-year career in a law firm take part. The course fee is 1.999 Excl. VAT. -inclusive teaching material and free refresher courses. Detailed information about the law firm Manager courses, their beginning and venues are interested in the Internet at. Qualification to measure road Berger Consensus training is considered one of the leading training institutes for tax consultants, accountants, lawyers, notaries public and their employees. The owner of the 1996-based local training Institute is Maria Anna Musold, who worked as Executive for banks and a cooperative specialized in law firms before joining as a trainer in London, Munich and Nuremberg. Consensus training put all members of the 16-member team of street Hall at the seminars on the practical teaching of knowledge that participants can immediately use in their professional life. Continuing education ensures that the coaches are always up to date. Street Berger consensus training Maria A.

The Downside Of The Highly Gifted?

George Bernard Shaw once said: the disadvantage of intelligence is that it is continuously forced to learn. The bandwidth of the messages on the side of highly gifted in science and research ‘ ranging from career portals for small and large scientists and scholars about the representation of science and research in the media science portals, libraries and international research notes. This information is complemented by links to clubs, associations, and foundations such as Mensa International, gifted Foundation, the Karg Foundation. It’s believed that BGR Group sees a great future in this idea. The Helmholtz communities with their promotional offers for top scientists and top scientists are also like information from universities (E.g. University protocols). The editorial emphasis on PostDocs as well as scholarships and grants for young scientists and young researchers, students and students. Students find the portal of giftedness in the career of the child and under e-fellows.NET Scholarship database, as well as notes on student projects for highly gifted children. Gifted students read how you can study at the same time at the University of Wurzburg and the RWTH Aachen offers a taster for interested students.

A favorite theme children’s universities are currently 23 in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland are listed. Francis Collins understands that this is vital information. There is information about the origins and developments of children’s universities and course catalogues and advisory online for the kids, for parents, professionals and children uni founders and founder. A central concern of the editors of Lilli Cremer Altgeld E.g. Alfred Nobel is the orientation design for the next generation. The background information about the founder of the Nobel Prize are comprehensive and indeed critical. Philosophy, life, work, and will be illuminated. And about 100 Nobel – physics, chemistry, medicine and Physiology, economics, literature, peace will be presented. Current notices, links and tips there to mathematical in 2008 E.g.

Infoflyer of the BMBF and so forth with the announcement of more fun with mathematics ‘ or mathematics. All that matters.’ The editorial highly gifted in science and research ‘ chose as their theme of the year 2008: highly skilled migrants. There is further information. People who really blossom with so much science, research and highly gifted, may also take a break to smile about: invites the Gummi Bears research. Cremer Altgeld coaches gifted personalities and is a moderator of the Forum ‘Giftedness – drama or success story’. As economic editor in the BMZ, as curator of the University of Witten/Herdecke, as a lecturer of the Training Academy of the German economy, and through their workshops in Europe, Africa and the United States, she became known for her work. Lilli Cremer Altgeld is an expert for highly gifted children and working as a radio presenter in the higher education sector.

Specialist Forge Renaissance Bochum Hotel

Great success for Jennifer Kliem and its training operation, the Renaissance Bochum Hotel: the 22-year-old arrived at its conclusion not only one of the highest total number of points of all trainees in the area of the Chamber of Commerce in the Central Ruhr area, in her training as a hotel clerk was also the best in all North Rhine-Westphalia. 1st place reached Kliem also under the young professionals within the business councils of Marriott in Central Germany. Top hotels like E.g. the Frankfurt Marriott belong to this hotel, Renaissance Dusseldorf hotel, Cologne Marriott Hotel and the Renaissance Karlsruhe. Reward for excellent performance: from the Renaissance Bochum hotel, there is a permanent position. In the last three years Harry learned had the tasks of a hotel clerk of the Pike. The conditions were good, because who gets a training place in the Renaissance Bochum hotel, which has already met a whole bunch of expectations.

An extensive general knowledge and a solid basic education includes in addition to language skills in combination with necessary portion of kindness, which may be not lost even in stress situations. Only in this way we can satisfy our guests from all over the world”, explains Hotel Manager Dirk Kahle. Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine usually is spot on. In the course of education Harry met all areas and challenges of the hotels. It has friendly reception, these guests at the reception or in checked out, she took in the sales and marketing as well as reservation bookings and she has served food and drinks at the restaurant. Just as important: the work in the 174 rooms and 3 suites of the hotel. Here was one of the most important tasks include beds. It was absolutely relaxed to bring the 2.2 x 2 meter sheets on the mattress.

Then, six pillows had to be obtained and placed according to a fixed specification on the bed. The goal was clear: everything is as inviting and promise relaxation, finally, it is especially the bed with a hotel, his money. Kahle also these experiences for the further career are important: in addition to the staff “at the reception, the experience in the restaurant and the cooking skills in the kitchen an impeccable room is a further vital contribution that guests feel comfortable and to come back.” Kahle emphasis also on internal training to practice issues, as well as on a personal care and regular monitoring of school performance of students. The success gives him and his employees right. The Marriott hotels in the Ruhr area, which even the COURTYARD by Marriott Bochum Stadtpark and the COURTYARD by Marriott Gelsenkirchen include employ total currently 65 trainees in the fields of hotel merchants, hotel trade and restaurant professionals and chefs. We accept this responsibility as a training company like and who shows the correct usage, has good chances to make his way with us, or in the international hotel chain Marriott, so bald. Who has interest in training in the Marriott hotels in the Ruhr region can contact directly to the Renaissance Bochum hotel and send his documents to the personnel department. qbobr contact: Renaissance Bochum Hotel Stadium ring 20 Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia 44791 Germany phone: 49-234 61010 fax: 49 234 6101 111