
Cacti make up the best known species of the plantassuculentas, which are characterized by survive in extreme drought conditions, thanks to their ability to accumulate water in their stems, leaves or roots. In addition, cacti have as distinctive trait tines that usually coat them. Others who may share this opinion include City College of New York. Although they have their origin in America, they have spread throughout the world, and are becoming more important as a houseplant, both without flowers and with them, in the most varied sizes, shapes and colors. Lovers of light and heat, do not require excessive attentions, but to keep them in good condition for a long time we have to provide them with some basic care and attention to diseases and pests. Cactus reproduce by seeds, which we can acquire or collect ourselves the fruits; in this case, after harvesting, the interior seeds are extracted and preserved in porous paper. They must be in perfect condition, since, otherwise, the copy will not develop. The substrate must be well drained and permeable, for that do not accumulate excessive moisture, which would be damaging to the cactus and probably, would kill him. Mixing of different lands depends on the variety that we try and weather conditions.

One of the most common is to join a third of blonde peat, another of coarse sand and another of ground charcoal, which will also be an element highlighted in the prevention of fungi. Of course, it is possible to acquire the already prepared land. Will planting in small containers. In the background we will place gravel, which will allow good drainage. We will then have a layer of the prepared substrate. Spread the seeds, with a little water, and covered with coarse sand. For a good germination, it is necessary to provide moisture; It is suitable to cover the container with a transparent plastic. When you have sprouted, we’ll move it to one larger container, carefully not to damage the roots.

Manual Procedures

At the beginning of this article it is necessary to make a clear distinction between procedures and manuals of procedures. All activity entrusted to a person or a group of them, has implicit procedures that are performed in order to comply with various within an organization objectives. Do not carry out procedures would not be fulfilled tasks. But what is a procedure? Without prejudice to the different definitions that we could find in the administrative literature, easily we affirm that a procedure is the series or sequence of steps required to complete a task in particular, where such task can be of different nature and belong to different fields. Thus, a task may in particular require more steps in their procedure than others. Some authors have been perceived in some fields, rightly, a procedure as a routine adopted for the achievement of a purpose.

What is a Procedures Manual understanding what is a procedure, we can affirm that a Manual of procedures It is a document in which are compiled, or grouped the different procedures necessary to complete a task, having as purpose establish appropriate communication to stakeholders that enable them to perform their tasks in an orderly and systematic way. A. Kings Ponce, is a brochure, book, folder, etc., in which in a way easy to handle (handy) are concentrated in a systematic way, a series of administrative items for a particular purpose: guiding and standardizing the conduct that occurs between each human group in the company. It is inferred that the outstanding feature of the Manual of procedures is the fact that it is a written document, unlike the procedure itself that is represented by the material action. This is how Graham Kellog indicates a procedure in writing means to properly establish a standard method to run any job. Is clear then, that the procedures Manual gives procedures performed (which do not necessarily) established), a formal or official character for a particular task or set of tasks, becoming a guiding guide in the achievement of an effective and efficient result.