Beer Brewing

When we talk about Zhigulevskoe brewery, then, of course, have to say that his glory, he is equally obliged to technical managers, who were the major brewers. This is a story about them. Read more here: Jon Medved. Start with the necessary reports that the main office building of the plant burned down in 1919. Blown and archive. And only from the correspondence of the plant with the Samara city government, the Soviet authorities were able to establish the names of the major brewers. Probably not all. First among them should be called Charles Pink, whose signature is on many drawings of constructed factory buildings. Who is he, where, how long worked in Samara, the documents are silent. Anu Saad has plenty of information regarding this issue.

It is very likely You can only say that its first gold medal, received the 1896 All-Russian industrial exhibition, Zhigulevsky brewery indebted to him. Unfortunately, it is unclear for which he received a medal. For exemplary statement of affairs or for brewing some beer. Several years in the State Archives of the Samara Region, the Regional Scientific Library Foundation pre-revolutionary newspaper unsuccessful. After receiving recognition for Russian domestic market, Zhigulevsky brewery entered the international.

Again, the highest award: Paris (1900), London (1902), London (1903), Rome (1903). By 1914, our factory has already 15 gold medals and top awards of Russian and international exhibitions of brewing. Beers, which were issued in those years are known, "Vienna," "The Nightingale", "Export", "The March", "Bavarian", "pilsener", "Lada". Such a high international recognition Zhigulevsky brewery is associated with another major brewer – Karl Karlovich Strauss.

Victims And Perpetrators

Makes a few mornings, I left my car parked in the front of the Faculty of medicine, he was going to perform a few minutes pending, in la reja had a burly security guard and there was the brunette Susana, which bears the 25 years selling sweets, and the good Lord Padilla that carries as 30 years selling books; leaving watched the door ajar and there were no mirrors, documents, or radio; None of the mentioned characters had seen or heard anything; all agreed that two Ticos had removed them such a possibility to park in front of them and because my car has no alarm, no one had heard or seen anything. While trying to find some guilty, a taxi driver came and told me that thieves had been the banana trees and me closer to the seventh block of the Jr. Read more here: Anu Saad. Pedro Muniz where would find some teenagers and to ask for a guy and there they would give me stolen; I tried to find companions, but they were all occupied, so I only went to this unexpected appointment, effectively I found a group of young men on the corner, one of them came up and full of bad manners asked me 200 soles by radio, 100 Suns by mirrors and 50 soles by documents and began to negotiate the price, first lost them and second delivery was fractional; so we started with the documents to 20 soles, when I thought that already they would give them me told me that you turn left (in the 72 block from Pedro Muniz) I did it, I down a small slope and OH surprise! had in the corner about 20 young who came to see me on the bandwagon, I acelere so I went to give as three blocks beyond in this leak, I encountered a PNP on motorcycle, the poor was more afraid that I did not ask for driving license, or SOAT or anything, looked at me and departed; so I went back to the corner and told him that the return was man to man, not accepted, I returned on that slope, which had the bag with my documents it rallied the rest so that they do not come to the car, he wanted to turn off the engine, not I accepted, so with 20 Suns on hand me closer to the type, the type gave me a closed bag told him that the open opened it! and ID card, driving license, etc. .

North Americans

As the race concept is known is tied with the viscera of century XIX. When, then, racist theories emerge that explained/legitimized the social reality, to leave, of the biological concept of race, for which they forged a hierarchy and gradation enters the individuals of the species human being. Such theoreticians explicitavam, thick way, the subalternidade inferiority of the blacks and indians before ‘ ‘ vigorous man branco’ ‘. He horrified them, over all, the possibility of crossing between beings so ‘ ‘ distant in the scale zoolgica’ ‘. How they consider Hebe Matos, in Slavery and Citizenship in Brazil Empire, the use social politician and of the notion of race – constructed in century XIX? he is narrowly on, in the American continent, with the contradictions between the civil laws and inherent politicians the republican citizenship installed in the continent? more delayed in Brazil. But this on one, over all, with the long o process of abolition of the captivity and its implications social.

Such theories had reverberated strong in the Brazilian intellectual thought? notadamente the 1870 generation? that it started to consider solutions for ‘ ‘ our problem of mestiagem’ ‘. Soon, they had suggested one politics of branqueamento, whose basic rock stimulates would be it of the emigration of the European population. The Brazilian racial thought operated for a considerable time established in this raciolgico paradigm. However, new readings appear of the racial relations in Brazil, whose recital was to consider a releitura of the Brazilian mestization. Opposing it perception of the harmful mestization with ‘ ‘ order social’ ‘ ; appear interpretations? notadamente Freyre (1933)? what choose the process of the mestization – endowed with positive value? as the element most characteristic of the national identity. Interpreting in a less conflitiva and more harmonic way the Brazilian racial relations. When comparing the process of interaction of whites and not-whites in Brazil and the United States, some authors they had been able to suggest that the preconceptions and discriminations had been eliminated here in the process of Brazilian settling, after all, did not have a legal segregation nor so clamorous cultural conflicts how much the North Americans.

Feeding And Society

Feeding and Society Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History, Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Words Key: Physical diet, Feeding, Illnesses, Exercises, Consumption Summary This text analyzes the questions of me the feeding and its consequncias in relation the illnesses generated for the one on weight. In this direction, we have a historical analysis of the consumista evolution and the pleasure of if feeding in the present time. The humanity has direct relation with the used diet in each historical period, through the studies of the humanity if she perceives that the feeding has influence in the civilizations. We have in the period of training of the hunting and the collection, a rich diet in animal protein and vitamins, through the collections of the fruits of the native bushes since in this period the man did not know agriculture nor the creation of domestic animals. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Hyman. However, the expense of energy, if to obtain foods, gave a balance in the direction of the one on weight, therefore the difficulties were great in such a way for hunting as for the collections, had to this in this period the tribes they were nomadic, they lived if moving behind the huntings and of the fruits. ' ' In the primitive societies the production of material life was organized of form to guarantee only the necessary consumption the survival of the group, without the production of excesses? the material products possuam only value of use, not having value of exchange, since this practically inexistente.' ' (ANDERY, PG16) With the arrival of agriculture this man who until then lived migrando, starts to fix in the land in the period of the harvests, since many of them are annual. With the development of agriculture the consumption of grains on the part of the population is raised that dominates this technique, is good for pointing out that the development process if differs from region for region, optimum example for this is when the Europeans had arrived at Brazil and had found tribes who are still in the period migratory, no longer east we have China with a great potential of technology and advance in the scientific process. . Learn more at this site: J. Craig Venter.