Literature And History

Micheline Odorizzi PaschoProf Diego Finder Axe do not differ the historian and the poet for writing verse and chat, differ, yes, where it says one the things that had occurred, and another one the ones that could occur. Therefore the poetry is something of more philosophical and more serious of what history, therefore it mainly relates to that one the universal one, and this the particular one. For mentioning the universal one I understand to attribute to an individual of definitive nature thoughts and action to it that, for liame of necessity and probability, agrees to such nature; to the universal one, thus understood, aims at the poetry, despite it gives names to its personages. Another one is not the purpose of the poetry, even so gives particular names to the individuals; the particular one is what Alcibades made or that happened to it. (ARISTOTLE apud MENDONA, 2009) the relations between literature and history are in the center of this reflection, searching to recognize the tenuous lines dissociate that them. For this she is necessary to understand literature beyond of an aesthetic and cultural phenomenon. We know of the importance of the narrative of the facts for the man through times and that during its trajectory it searched of some form to register the decurrent facts in its time, either through documents, of the poetry, texts among others. Thus searching to protect the moments before preserved only through the orality. The registers of the great events had become for times, great poetical epics, posthumous registers of a time that is only possible to know through the imagination and of the interpretation of the reader. Although let us not have certainty of the veracity of the facts registered through the times, they are for certain one of the approached forms more of the concrete that we possess to know the past.

Beer Brewing

When we talk about Zhigulevskoe brewery, then, of course, have to say that his glory, he is equally obliged to technical managers, who were the major brewers. This is a story about them. Read more here: Jon Medved. Start with the necessary reports that the main office building of the plant burned down in 1919. Blown and archive. And only from the correspondence of the plant with the Samara city government, the Soviet authorities were able to establish the names of the major brewers. Probably not all. First among them should be called Charles Pink, whose signature is on many drawings of constructed factory buildings. Who is he, where, how long worked in Samara, the documents are silent. Anu Saad has plenty of information regarding this issue.

It is very likely You can only say that its first gold medal, received the 1896 All-Russian industrial exhibition, Zhigulevsky brewery indebted to him. Unfortunately, it is unclear for which he received a medal. For exemplary statement of affairs or for brewing some beer. Several years in the State Archives of the Samara Region, the Regional Scientific Library Foundation pre-revolutionary newspaper unsuccessful. After receiving recognition for Russian domestic market, Zhigulevsky brewery entered the international.

Again, the highest award: Paris (1900), London (1902), London (1903), Rome (1903). By 1914, our factory has already 15 gold medals and top awards of Russian and international exhibitions of brewing. Beers, which were issued in those years are known, "Vienna," "The Nightingale", "Export", "The March", "Bavarian", "pilsener", "Lada". Such a high international recognition Zhigulevsky brewery is associated with another major brewer – Karl Karlovich Strauss.

Feeding And Society

Feeding and Society Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History, Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education Words Key: Physical diet, Feeding, Illnesses, Exercises, Consumption Summary This text analyzes the questions of me the feeding and its consequncias in relation the illnesses generated for the one on weight. In this direction, we have a historical analysis of the consumista evolution and the pleasure of if feeding in the present time. The humanity has direct relation with the used diet in each historical period, through the studies of the humanity if she perceives that the feeding has influence in the civilizations. We have in the period of training of the hunting and the collection, a rich diet in animal protein and vitamins, through the collections of the fruits of the native bushes since in this period the man did not know agriculture nor the creation of domestic animals. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Hyman. However, the expense of energy, if to obtain foods, gave a balance in the direction of the one on weight, therefore the difficulties were great in such a way for hunting as for the collections, had to this in this period the tribes they were nomadic, they lived if moving behind the huntings and of the fruits. ' ' In the primitive societies the production of material life was organized of form to guarantee only the necessary consumption the survival of the group, without the production of excesses? the material products possuam only value of use, not having value of exchange, since this practically inexistente.' ' (ANDERY, PG16) With the arrival of agriculture this man who until then lived migrando, starts to fix in the land in the period of the harvests, since many of them are annual. With the development of agriculture the consumption of grains on the part of the population is raised that dominates this technique, is good for pointing out that the development process if differs from region for region, optimum example for this is when the Europeans had arrived at Brazil and had found tribes who are still in the period migratory, no longer east we have China with a great potential of technology and advance in the scientific process. . Learn more at this site: J. Craig Venter.