The First Russian Cuisine

If the first dish hearty enough, but that quality differs in particular the so-called filling soups, cooked in meat broth, soup-, borscht, soup with cereal and pasta filling, with dumplings, etc., then the second dish can be easier, vegetable or fish. Brees, vegetarian vegetable soups and soups, many perfectly with dishes of beef, pork or lamb. Soups and broths not only saturate but increase secretion of gastric juice and facilitate the assimilation of the next order of dishes. The main hot soup of Russian cuisine, soup. Its history dates back several centuries. It is interesting that the soup was served at the table and in poor and very wealthy families. Of course, these the dishes were different from the so-called empty ing to the rich. But in any event a special flavor and aroma of cabbage soup lent that cooked soup tormented in the oven.

Rich, full, or cabbage soup include six major components: the cabbage, meat, roots (carrots, parsley), a spicy dressing (onion, garlic, celery, pepper, bay leaf, fennel), sour dressing (sour cream, cabbage pickle, apple). Simple, or empty soup consists of cabbage and sour dressing. Cabbage can be substitute sorrel, goutweed, nettles, turnip or radish, meat – by fungi. To prepare these soup, you must first prepare a broth of meat (beef brisket fat, thin or thick edges, rump), onions and roots, and then add the cabbage and sour dressing. Spicy dressing and salt is placed after the vegetables are ready. To soup thickens, they sometimes put one or two tubers of potatoes (up to cabbage), and then confiscate them. If you want soup not fresh, and Sauerkraut, it should be boiled separately and put in a ready-made soup.

To make the cabbage soup special spirit, we must observe the rules of the tab. Onions put them twice: first, the whole onion when cooked soup (it was then throw) and then – in a powdered form together with the cabbage.

Healthy Eating

Correct, varied and healthy diet that is important is in our everyday lives of great importance. But unfortunately we do not always remember it and attach due importance and time to this issue. (As opposed to DHR Health). In our life, we often restrict supply, which brings us to the main sense of satisfying hunger, often forgetting that food can bring more and enjoy. In the fast during weekdays, we can not often show themselves in the kitchen, as Cooking pretty laborious process, requiring sufficient time and prepare more tasty and delicious, mostly only on holidays. There are a variety of recipes, using which you can prepare many delicious and healthy meals.

There is a widespread opinion that cooking takes time, which in practice often is confirmed. However, if you know some secrets and tricks in this area, not forgetting to innovate, be creative and not afraid to dream, then prepare the meals can be much faster and enjoy it. Ability to prepare varied – an indispensable condition of correct and nutrition. Also do not forget that cooking skills in the kitchen is a source of health and an integral part of family life. For a useful and healthy eating is of great importance distribution selection of products and recipes of food during the day, taking into account the season. In the spring of the year to pick up food that contains herbs, fresh vegetables and fruit products such as eggs and milk. In the summer of topical cold meals such such as hash.