
The ability to watch enables the ropes, more accurately perceive objects to better understand people Observing the external features and internal psychology. All this enables us to rationally act and react to changes in the outside world. How to organize the monitoring? 1. Must obtain prior knowledge about the subject you are interested. Watch what we do not have any information, it is very difficult. Click Camden Treatment Associates to learn more.

2. Observation behave according to plan. Indiscriminate monitoring of the object is rarely gives satisfactory results. 3. Surveillance should be conducted with sufficient completeness and depth. It is advisable to ignore the object observed in essential and be attentive to details relevant to a proper understanding of the subject. 4. Observation is useful to accompany entries, collection of documentary materials, which can then precipitate a thorough analysis.

Observation as the personality is formed in the process of systematic training favorite activity is associated with the development of professional interests. Known for the following types of perception and observation: synthetic, analytical, analytic-synthetic and emotional. In humans, synthetic type of perception also tends to the generalized reflection phenomena and to determine the basic meaning of what is happening. They do not attach importance to details and do not like go into details. For the people of the analytical type of perception characterized by a desire to isolate and analyze the first part, particularly. They meticulously go into all the circumstances. Such people are often difficult understand the basic meaning of phenomena. When the analytical-synthetic type of perception and observation in humans is equally revealed the desire for understanding the basic meaning of the phenomenon and the actual confirmation. Such people always relate the analysis of individual parts with the conclusions of fact-finding – with their explanation. Perception and observation of the people of this warehouse is more favorable for the activity. People are emotional type of perception and observation. Finally, for some it is important not so much the essence of the selection phenomenon and its parts as the desire above all to express their feelings, caused by some phenomenon. These people are the type of emotional perception and observation.

Brazilian Association

Article: ' ' Who is not communicated, if trumbica' '. Robert Ramalho is public journalist, relations, and was vice-president of the Brazilian Association of Public Relations seccional Alagoas and as the old Chacrinha said: ' ' Who is not communicated, if trumbica' '. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is the place to go. It does not matter that the communication if gives in the homes, the work, the bars, any context or situation, the difficulty of if to communicate is one of the main causes of estresse currently emotional existing. With certainty, it estresse and communication feedback does not form one. By the way, if you communicate yourself badly you obtain exactly, consequently, with the others, with certainty, greaters will be the frequency and intensity estresse of it in its life.

In this way, when you learn and practise the rules of the communication with its children, its parents, its woman, its head or with who wants that it is the quality of its life and of the people to its redor will have to improve very and, reaching never unimaginable harmonic levels. The being human being increased and improved sufficiently its capacity of if communicating because he evolved of the verbal communication for the written communication, and from he developed all there the technologies, having invented the post office, the telegraph, the telephone, the cellular one, the television, and today he does not know more life without the social email and nets, as the Facebook. In the current days we have chats of chat, the social nets, blogs, twitter and a infinity of other communicative tools that were part of the stranger. Moreover, also we evolve because we improve our capacity of communication and not contrary it. The communication? to distinguish from excessively -, it was the attribute that allowed the evolution of our species, with the sprouting of the society human being. It is interesting to observe that the origins of the communication if lose and if they confuse in the origin of the peoples. .