In other articles I have mentioned the revolution experienced by the traditional advertising industry, to migrate to online advertising. Becoming is more evident with a simple navigation on the network, noted that large companies, to mention only a sector of the industry, move large budgets from traditional advertising aimed towards advertising and online presence. We have also analysed the reasons of that migration from the point of view of tactics and strategies. Now, if it is true that Internet is not middle of masses, as a means of traditional communication, but as a means of market niches, online advertising crosses by a process of adaptation and, now, not meeting the way infer whether it will be a short, medium or long term process. However, not everyone has realised the existence of this process, which involves thousands of billions of dollars in the air looking for acentamiento. Official site: Camden Treatment Associates New Jersey. There are two giant Internet that Yes you have discovered the phenomenon and have opened a new Pulse by capturing the revolution of online advertising. It is nothing more and nothing less than the Google search engine and the social Facebook.
Facebook is making a great effort to become the universal reference network, relying on its more than 500 million users, and has become one of the main alternatives to channel online advertising. At this point, it is common to find business profiles of major brands and companies in the site doing social marketing. This attempt of Facebook by channeling the revolution of traditional advertising has collided head-on with Google, the dominant search engine on the network, that precisely by that title, has managed to cotizarce as one of the largest Internet companies, mainly for its service of online advertising through keywords system and its infinite network of content, called Adwords and Adsence respectively. The resounding success of Google with its advertising system has no discussion and the giant allows the luxury of rejecting some sectors of industry, leaving a vacuum to be filled quickly advertising on Facebook to take advantage of its potential. .