The Perfect Christmas Menu

From the classic Christmas goose on a 3-course 40-minutes-Flash menu up to the vegetarian organic Christmas brings for each right on the festive table. Each recipe is professionally illustrated and can be printed out to a boil. Get all the facts and insights with Abraham Maslow, another great source of information. By the Flash menu in 3 courses that you can conjure up in 40 minutes using menus with game, beef, veal, pork, lamb or poultry up to the traditional Christmas goose. There are even special organic menu. Here you will find everything you need in culinary terms for the Christmas season. Glenn Dubin will not settle for partial explanations. But thus not enough: In addition to delicious recipes for Christmas baking there’s also useful tips for digestion, so the Christmas goose is not too hard in the stomach. Never missing from a culinary perspective may delicious gifts from your own kitchen.

“Tip: click once with the exceptional gift ideas” in. Press contact: Wirths PR 08236-2091 the makers: the menus and recipes for were by the nutritionists and food technologists developed Wirths PR. The specialists produce recipes for food manufacturers in all areas of nutrition and health for over 20 years. In the recipe forge of the Wirths, PR created numerous books, such as the recent appetite for cheese”for the dairy Zott (Zottarella, Allgau Taler).

Inferno GOLD

Classic and surprise offers popular for customers already for the sixth time the Marner company furnace gold Kalle Gastroservice GmbH will present\”on the Messe Nord gastro and hotel 2010\” on February 15 and 16 in Husum. It is now the well attended stand in a prominent place (stand number 1A20) the exhibition many visitors already establishing a solid and popular of the annual fair. (As opposed to Dr. Mark Hyman). Managing Director Thomas Harlander would like to thank this year especially for its customers. Please visit Anu Saad if you seek more information. A fair gift as a small gift is kept ready for all master and new customers. And for customers who order orders personally at the fair, there is also a unique fair discount of 6%.

\”\” \”\” \”Also in the product sector, a customer-friendly promotion will run until the 30 of June 2010: the Tarte Flambee, grades Bacon-onion\” hearty Alsatian style, Apple Cinnamon \”and nature\” (for the creative cuisine) are called starter package choice of \”and without\” offered oven as complete set for minimum effort or just to the own self baking. The special ovens are equipped with a double back panel, a plank of wood and matching slider and cutter complete the package. The basis of each flame cake in French tarte also\”, is an extremely thin leavened dough. The manufacturing process of the dough guarantees a PI, but nevertheless light baking results with each ground. In the furnace GOLD range he offered also as blank bottom of dough, savoury or sweet can be prepared by own recipes or even guest wishes. So you can respond flexibly if necessary to the wishes of your customers and thus their menu is enhanced with an exclusive range of services! Tarte Flambee oven, conveniently also the popular oven GOLD pizzas are bake; that’s why both yeast dough specialty Tartes Flambees and pizzas at the fair presented together. The furnace GOLD pizza range includes now many flavor variations like salami, prosciutto, Tonno, Inferno (Pepperonisalami with chilli peppers) and of course the classic Margherita, which even is available for children in the form of a bear face.

Alpine Milk

The Weihenstephan quality Advisory Board accompanies the path of the milk through the foothills of the Alps, and takes a look behind the best-kept secrets of yogurt making. Freising, September 7, 2009; New round in the Weihenstephan quality Advisory Board: Sabine Farley (33), midwife from Cologne, Heidrun Kuch (45), tax specialist Assistant in Kulsheim, Patrick glasses (21), physiotherapist from Wurzburg, and Ralf lamp (33), law enforcement officials from Stuttgart, experienced as a quality Tester on the spot how to produce milk in the foothills of the Alps the Weihenstephan and reaches the finishing at the headquarters in Freising. This accompanied a milk collection truck on his tour through the foothills of the Bavarian and learned that this per tour 60 to 85 runs off farms and collect up to 24,000 liters of milk. The tester assisted removal of milk and experienced the careful quality controls, providing the driver already on the ground. Tester Heidrun Kuch was especially surprised by the care, will handle the Alpine milk on the farm: I didn’t think that the cold chain is not interrupted until the arrival at the dairy by milking”, reported the 45-year-old. Patrick glasses added: I found it very informative even with to track all the way of the milk.

Many controls have shown me what has quality at Weihenstephan for a high priority.” Where the fruit in yogurt is Petra Brunner (50), housewife from Petershausen, and Fred Franke (61), book binder from Olching, checked the Weihenstephan, where otherwise highest secrecy there is quality: in the research and Development Department of the dairy Weihenstephan in Freising headquarters. Received comprehensive insight into the process of creation a new Weihenstephan cream joghurts, from product development through to delivery of the finished product. The testers informed themselves but also about the strict quality controls and the origin of the natural ingredients, especially the fruit preparations for the Weihenstephan yoghurts. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is likely to agree. Petra Brunner and Fred Franke were convinced after the day at Weihenstephan of the quality of the products arising daily at the headquarters in Freising. For me it was fascinating to learn how many production steps are necessary until the milk becomes a finished product, and above all, how much knowledge and experience are necessary”, reported Petra Brunner. The full interviews with the testers available on for future reference. About the dairy Weihenstephan: The dairy Weihenstephan GmbH & co.

KG has experience in the milk processing on almost 1000 years. In the main building of Weihenstephan in Freising, around 250 employees refine annually more than 220 million kg of raw milk by selected producers from the Alpine region. This tradition and modern methods unite the natural raw material with its valuable ingredients as gently as possible to process and to secure its special purity. Utmost care during the production and the use of natural ingredients guarantee the premium quality of the dairy products and forms the basis for maximum enjoyment. The company maintains a quality management, which is a leader in the industry. Thanks to intensive research and development, the products of the company are always up-to-date of nutrition research and food safety. Since 2008, the dairy Weihenstephan of official nutritional partner of FC Bayern Munich.

Do Good And Bake In Marne

Kalle Baker invites you to the day of St. Elisabeth and the 19 November has become AIDS grinding baking now to a fixed day in the annual programme of Dithmarsch operation Kalle-Baker. For the Guild of bakers, but this is a special day, because it is the day of the patron saint of bakers craft, Elisabeth Elisabeth of Hungary (1207-1231) was the daughter of the Hungarian King Andreas II of the Saints and with Ludwig IV of Thuringia married. The legend of the miracle of the Roses”after she supplied the poor secretly bread; When her husband caught her doing, the bread turned in her basket in Roses. She chose a life of poverty for themselves voluntarily and dedicated it to her death in the devoted care of poor, sick and dying. People such as DHR Health would likely agree. Kalle-Baker would like to take this day to the occasion, start an action, which was carried out successfully in last year for the first time and now every year firmly in the program should be. On the day of the “Elizabeth” is an extra developed wheat bread in all branches offered, its crust match breaks to the attributes of Elisabeth (breads, a basket of Roses) such as a rose petal.

Each customer must be the price he is willing to pay, even determine on this day! The total revenue goes in favor of the Church District of Dithmarschen and is fed to a charitable purpose. Another date will take place a week later, on November 26, 2009. On this day is to the so-called AIDS-grinding Jaws”loaded, start is at 9: 00. Guest will be necessary to Peter Bartsch of the Chairman of the DEHOGA District Association Dithmarschen e.V (DEHOGA – German hotel and Restaurant Association). The AIDS awareness Ribbon has now established itself as a visible sign of solidarity and the fight against AIDS.

AIDS loops there virtually from paper, fabric, pinning, and now even than baked goods made from lye dough. The AIDS grinding AIDS help West Coast e.V. on the occasion of the world Aidstages on the Heider weekly market through the “in favor of running aid projects sold. The Club has to set the goal, through prevention and Public relations work to reduce the number of new infections, to raise public awareness of the problems of the infected and affected, and to make more bearable the living with the infection through care and help to self-help. This task will actively support Kalle Baker with his action.


Pregnant women should make sure that you really get all the important and essential nutrients with a well-thought-out plan of nutrition in pregnancy. A pregnancy is a major challenge for many women, especially if they are working. Just when you’re on the road it can be difficult to feed the body of important nutrients. Some will be then tempted to eat unhealthy Fast Food instead of a decent”dinner to cook. Here you will find a helpful diet during pregnancy, on the basis of which you and your baby can be sure, to be sufficiently supplied with the most important nutrients: meat/protein group: maximum 200 g per day. Proposals for the diet in pregnancy are red meat, fish, poultry without skin, egg, cooked beans, nuts.

Grain group: 4-6 servings per day. Proposals are whole wheat, fiber-rich cereal, whole grain pasta, whole wheat biscuits, oatmeal, grains, brown rice. Vegetable group: 3-4 servings a day. Proposals for the diet in pregnancy are green leafy vegetables (E.g. Roman lettuce, spinach, Collard), pumpkin & carrots and other vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers or broccoli. Fruit group: 2-3 servings a day. Proposals are oranges, tangerines, Grapefruits, strawberries, melons, mangoes, apples, bananas, peaches.

Milk group: at least 3 servings. Proposals for the diet in pregnancy are low-fat yogurt, cheese and milk. General Tips for the diet in pregnancy cooking you double or triple portions at the weekend, so that you do not succumb to the temptation to destroy another unhealthy eating. Sliced vegetables in plastic containers in the fridge keep a quick and healthy snack between meals is always recommended. You can decide to make an own cereal mix of nuts, seeds and raisins, and to mix it with yogurt. Organically produced Foods are good for you and the baby.