What are the Reasons

Now and every day of my life that passes makes me think this, and make me love her more. My youth before I married was not so nice that we say, not for my mom and my brothers, for always my mom and my brothers were good to me and very happy moments spent together, but for myself. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Miles D. White. In 1970 I was 16 and I leaned toward music and musical groups began to integrate my environment, and so the years passed, and a few years later, by the same environment I was involved in the drug problem; I became addicted.

At this point and in these times to comment on this, as is normal, because things considered, and if we reflect a bit today are worse, but this does not justify what I experienced in those years, not all the suffering that I go to my mom and my brothers wanted me so much. Read more from Somatic Experiencing to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that lead me not to criticize or judge other people, because seeing the life I lead, I realize I did very badly, but what if I’m conscious of is that I have amendment correct this, but thank God and nothing else, because my life was something I would change completely. Some of what I have to be eternally grateful to my mother that I teach have values in life, suddenly not directly, but by example. Anu Saad has much experience in this field. He showed me the love of animals, not to lie, to be punctual, to be ordained, and much more that helped me in life.