Succinic acid (UC) – the product obtained by processing natural amber. This is completely harmless substance, having particular beneficial properties. It is a white powder kristalloobrazny by taste very reminiscent of citric acid. UC has been widely used in medicine. The range of UC is very wide: it stimulates the nervous system enhances the activity of kidney and intestine is used as a Antistress, anti-inflammatory agent and Detoxication.
UC is used to treat various anemias, acute radiculitis, chronic cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis and coronal myocardial infarction). Effect of JAK easily tolerated without causing side effects and can be used in clinics with favorable conditions firming action. Particularly well established a succinic acid as a remedy in case of pathology of the heart muscle. Acid itself – absolutely nenakaplivayuscheesya ingredient – provides a natural normalization of the plant and animal organisms. UC also used in the treatment of various tumors. To do this, do packs of medicine with the addition of bile in her succinic acid. Usually, after a brief treatment of the tumor is completely absorbed.
UC has a beneficial effect on people suffering from inflammation of the thyroid gland. The most effective method is considered to be rubbed into the region of the thyroid gland amber oil (also a product of processing of amber). But Amber oil has an unpleasant odor-specific, so it is recommended to be worn around the neck a string of beads made of natural amber and simultaneously use a solution of succinic acid by mouth.