The acne is essentially the black set of shinbones and points that usually form in our face or back. Although it generally affects the adolescents, also it is suffered by adults. Next we showed to him in passages like eliminating the acne. The first passage of how to eliminate the acne consists of maintaining the hands far from our face. The majority of people does not realize, but the hands are full of bacteria, which produce shinbones. The second case in as eliminating the acne it is to end the bacteria. The bacteria join and block pores.
When bacterium is accumulated, the shinbones form. In order to end this, we must rub antibacterial creams. It looks for antibacterial with triclosn and Gluconato de Clorhexidina. Another simple form to finish the acne is to exercise to avoid stress. It is not necessary to exercise in excess, in fact with 30 minutes to the day, three or four days to the week already it is sufficient. Exercising, the body avoids stress and aid to regulate the hormonal levels, cause of many acids in the skin. In addition, sweating helps to unblock pores, expelling the dead cells where they cannot cause shinbones.
The benzoyl peroxide is a great aid to fight the acne since the bacterium can kill that causes inflammations in the skin. The saliclico acid is another chemistry that helps to clear the died cells of the face. Perhaps in the case of the women, he is advisable to consult with his personal doctor about contraceptives. These sos able to make level your hormones. As you will know, the reason for which arises the acne in the adolescence is by the increase in the levels of oestrogen and testosterone. Exactly, the contraceptives regulate these hormonal levels. In conclusion, for the acne solution this in practicing the listed steps, from exercising to using products and many other methods in can find Here.