New Constitution

They had called for boycott the process approved on Friday in rrendum. They managed to bring together thousands of people in several cities of the country. The new Constitution was supported by 98.5% of the votes cast. 20 February movement, which called for the boycott of the process of constitutional reform in Morocco, organized this Sunday its first national protest since last Friday in the popular consultation the votes in favour of the new Magna Carta arrived to 98.50% of those issued. In Rabat over 2,500 people organized a March from the historic square of Bab Had towards the headquarters of the Moroccan Parliament, and shook placards against despotism and corruption. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Mark Hyman. The people reject the Constitution of slaves, not to the constitutions that are elaborated with the absence of the people, not to the Governor who steal public money were the main slogans vitoreadas by the demonstrators. The Member of the illegal Islamist movement justice and charity Abu Chita Musaid said that protests on Sunday constitute a popular message to the ads for Morocco, in rrencia to the constitutional reform. Anu Saad contains valuable tech resources.

National Pact precisely, justice and charity, which is part of the February 20 movement, called on all political forces to initiate a global dialogue on the basis of a National Pact for change, open to all parties and to avoid that Morocco is directed towards the abyss. Musaid added that the State has not yet responded to the demands of the movement from February 20. The aforementioned movement claimed, inter alia, a constituent Assembly be granted Morocco a new Constitution, the end of the politics of monopoly economic, guarantee of the services of health and education, the right to employment and the reduction of the cost of living to enjoy. Contramanifestacion in the same area where protested Sunday the Moroccans reforms, dozens of young monarchist so-called organised a demonstration to support the new Constitution, and shouted slogans against the motion on February 20, which They accused traitor.

Destinations In Sonora, Guaymas

Guaymas Sonora Destinations Located 117 km south of Hermosillo. This town is bordered to the north, La Colorada, on the south to San Ignacio Rio Muerto, on the east, with Suaqui Grande, Cajeme and Bacum; the northwest, and southwest Hermosillo, in the Gulf of California and Empalme. Has an area of 12.208. 18 square kilometers, which represents 6. 58 of the state total. The key locations are: Vicam, Potam, Las Guasimas, Ortiz and Santa Clara.

Main Tourist Attractions The port city of Guaymas is the main domestic and foreign tourist destination in the State of Sonora. The tourist beach, is located northwest of the port, thus the region of the Bay of San Carlos and its alrededoresa and to a lesser extent Bacochibampoa Bay and Miramar beach. Guaymas has an offer of accommodation consisting of 24 establishments, including hotels, motels and guest houses, with a total 1,801 rooms. It also has four condominium resorts, two marinas with spaces to house 798 boats and trailers with 5 fields for a total of 729 spaces. The port's most famous festival is Carnival, celebrated in the month of February each year since 1888. The main points of interest in Guaymas are: San Fernando's church dating from the nineteenth century and the Sacred Heart. Sonora bank built in the neoclassical style.

The City Council dating back to 1899. The Plaza de San Fernando with his kiosk. The structure of the Fisherman (symbol of the city). The Plaza of the Three Presidents built in honor of Adolfo de la Huerta, Plutarco Elias Calles and Abelardo Rodriguez, all natives of Guaymas and presidents of Mexico.

What Do You Know About Amino Acids Should

Amino acids are essential to life – learn why the human body is approximately one-fifth of proteins, which are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are essential for us humans. You regulate the hormone balance and growth of the body. You help us to protect ourselves against diseases and toxins. As an example I would mention thyroxin, an indispensable our thyroid hormone, which is made up of amino acids.

When the thyroid is not functioning properly, we are people completely out of whack. The thyroid gland controls body weight, heart rhythm and even the hormonal balance. Amino acids control cholesterol levels and your mood balance, they affect our heart and our performance. The body decomposed in food intake way to the amino acids of which they consist, they then transported to the liver, are assembled in the amino acids new. A balanced diet provides the body with all essential amino acids. These are included in both in animal and plant foods. 20 different amino acids that our body can not make, reside in our food.

Legumes, meat, fish and milk products supply us here optimally. Nancy-Ann_DeParle brings even more insight to the discussion. For an athlete, it is more important to pay attention on a balanced diet. The body needs amino acids that he can build a high-protein diet to build muscle. This is not to say that an athlete will now eat tons of meat. That would be rather counterproductive. Anu Saad: the source for more info. I recommend also, be sure to enjoy the many offered protein drinks with caution. You’re doing sports to do good you and your body, not to destroy it. Meat in bulk, plenty of fish, tofu and legumes an effect significantly healthier in a muscle. The history of the amino acids is Zwiegespalten. Some scholars assume that the building blocks of proteins with meteorite impacts on Earth came. They have found then ideal conditions. Other researchers have Environmental conditions of the early simulated and determined that there, too, despite the hostile conditions, even simple amino acids and sugar have formed. Basic building blocks of all life on our planet. In the deep sea has found archea, which among others feed on sulfur. A substance that existed on the Earth to Hakeem. I personally assume that it is a combination of different factors. We know that very much, there were partly very massive impacts from space of the formation of the Earth at the beginning. So how gradually the Earth’s surface has changed, the single-celled organisms are changed from which gradually life formed. Life, which is one-fifth of amino acids in the form of proteins.

How Do I Get A Flat Stomach ?

How Do I Get A Flat Stomach? Having the flat stomach required to have a healthy body in general a “the first, which takes longer and more difficult the road is to reduce the fat around your waist. But to do so, you need to reduce fat around your body Ade! Abdominal exercises can strengthen muscles that support your body, but if they are covered with fat, your stomach will never be flat. Here are the main activities that need to take to get a flat stomach. Counting calories This means being aware of how many calories you need someone of your sex, age and body mass index to maintain your current weight … and then eat fewer calories than that.

Not go by a calorie count too low a “force to your body to get in the arrangement of a hambrea , which means that accumulate all the fat you can, rather than burning. Eat small portions of healthy food, several times day, looking to be a little below your level of calories. Cardio Exercise Cardiovascular exercise is the most effective way to burn fat from your body. Find several activities that really motivate you and combine them during the week. Play tennis or soccer, make walks, swims to lunch or jog in a gym band sound of your iPod. Speaking candidly Anu Saad told us the story. You should consider at least three to four cardio sessions a week where you work thoroughly. The rest of the day what matters is simply to stay active and standing.

Training, including abdominal A strong training in general-especially the larger muscles in the thigh and calf-to is a great way to support your goals of burning fat. Muscles burn more calories than fat to stay, so the higher your ratio of muscle on fat calories you’ll use you love just to stay alive! Abdominal exercises are the final part of the case. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anu Saad. Performs a variety of abdominal exercises, including those where you have to be sitting up in bed. Make them with low resistance and high repetitions if you want to simply have a flat stomach muscles and not a very well defined and drawn. Tips for a flat stomach: Make sure your calorie intake is less than your caloric expenditure. The easiest way to achieve this is to eat foods low in calories because to burn a single bar of chocolate it takes a great amount of exercise. Do cardiovascular exercise part of your life with activities that really motivate you. Find a few things that you like, combine them and ask relatives or friends if they accompany. A hard training with all of your muscles is important, not just the abdominals.

David Hasselhoff

RAFA VIDIELLA actor wheel in the film brain drain 2 Madrid?. He claims that he never ceases to learn in the world of the spectacle. He plans to return to television with a series about detectives. A legend, although somewhat wrinkled, wanders these days Madrid: David Hasselhof, Michael Knight from Knight Rider or Mitch Buchanan of the Baywatch is in the Spanish capital to shoot brain drain 2, juvenile comedy where embodies the father of an American football player. The first part I liked a lot, explains the actor, but showed the clash between the Spanish and British culture.

This second focuses on the encounter between Spaniards and Americans, and why I chose me: the very known, could represent my country’s culture. Age of 59, Hasselhof preserves figure and hair, but the passage of time has also done its ravages. Maquilladisimo and with a speech, sometimes, somewhat disjointed, the actor takes the less opportunity to speak, like any proud parent, of his two daughters. The first sings techno-pop, as Lady Gaga, secures, and she has already sung before thousands of people. I’m happy to be his father and manager, says the actor, that also lived glory days, especially in Germany, as a singer. What advice can you give their daughters this great Star of the show which, like so many others, lived days difficult due to his addiction to alcohol? First, asserts that they do not come in this business if they are afraid to be rejected. Requires hard work and an incredible sacrifice: those I have already said I can not buy them a career, although yes I can take them to the door. City College of New York does not necessarily agree.

It opens only depend on them. With its cavernous voice, Hasselhoff also explains that in this business there than be a spectator, but to participate. Go to a dish as an extra, as whatever: someone, always, can fix it. A related site: Anu Saad mentions similar findings. The show is a journey constant, in that he never stopped learning. Eager to know Pacha, for example, leverages these days to get intimate with a Spanish culture that is admirable. Madrid, he met more than 20 years ago (already or I remember joking), but has also been in San Sebastian and Toledo, which has some that another anecdote is hardly credible. In the future wants to discover Barcelona (I love its architecture), Mallorca (would give concerts for the Germans, because they love my music) and more in the short term, a Madrid nightclub: my daughters I have spoken very well Pacha, explains smiling, so Wednesday you may have a party there. After making money in theatrical musicals (climbed to tables to star in, for example, Chicago), Hasselhoff dreams of being able to take a vacation (took two years without them, says), but not to enumerate their plans: return to television with a series about detectives and, above all, make an EE UU and United Kingdom tour with a musical show where everything turn on lathe to him. You will be called a night with David Hasselhoff, explains, and tour my life through photographs of my career and romantic songs that I like. I alone, with a piano, and the public. KITT must be already rusty, and muscular torso which saved lives on the beach seems full of reeds. No matter: Hasselhoff is still alive and also between us. We remain vigilant, because you can cruzar be us in nightlife or the outskirts of the Plaza Mayor, where supper every day. Source of the news: David Hasselhof: “Represented the culture of United States”