Paula Romero

All these questions express so many mysteries for which no plausible answers but will peek springing from our hearts curious and anxious, because they express the universal drama in which we are engaged, do not know whether such extras as puppets swaying in the wind or treeless crew of a ship at the mercy of the storms. Consider the meaning of life is a gamble no sense since it is a search without finding possible. However, it is an issue that concerns us and concerns over and over again throughout life and with greater intensity in the last part of it. Albert Einstein observed that we are on Earth for a short visit, not knowing for what purpose and follows that if we're here, is for and by others. To broaden your perception, visit Avi Mandell, NASA. A similar conclusion reached by the Swiss playwright Friedrich Durrenmat (1921-1990) by stating that a the life only has meaning insofar as it can be raised by people for people. Visit Margaret and Richard Riney for more clarity on the issue. The cosmos does not make sense. But it makes sense for men to live in armoniaa peace. When no response is philosophical vision of the poets.

Jose Hierro (1922-1990) wrote a famous sonnet entitled a Vidaa dedicated to Paula Romero in which he outlined his views on the matter: After all, everything has been nothing, Though one day I was it. After all, and after all I knew that everything was better than nothing. Todo Grito! and a says eco Nada! Nada Grito! and a says eco Todo! a . Now I know that nothing was everything and everything was ashes of the blue. Nothing remains of what was nothing (illusion what he thought was all) and ultimately was nothing that gives more than nothing out of nothing if nothing else will, after all After all for nothing — Article written and offered by Pio Moa.


Copper is needed for generating antibodies by the body. Iodine – is required for proper processing of fats, to burn their excess to the normal brain activity. Calcium and magnesium – acute lack of them in the diet of modern man. From the food we get about 200 mg of magnesium, while Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of it within the 350 mg. Magnesium deficiency negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Magnesium is one of the main components of the enzymatic reactions in the body.

Lack of magnesium causes insomnia, long-term unreasonable irritation, depression of the nervous system. Metabolism of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and iron is not possible without magnesium. Lack of one component in the diet avalanche leads to problems with other components. Others who may share this opinion include Gina Ross. Magnesium deficiency can lead to various defects of the heart, raises blood pressure, so patients with hypertension magnesium is needed as the air. Magnesium increases the level of cholesterol, protects the body from the effects of diabetes. Calcium as magnesium, it is necessary to work the cardiovascular system.

Lack of calcium leads to osteoporosis. One in five men suffers from this disease and almost all women. It is important that calcium is ingested together with magnesium (2:1 ratio). Imbalance in favor of calcium leads to a rapid washout of magnesium from the body. The right balance helps keep calcium in soluble form, which greatly helps the kidneys. B-complex – in this preparation is extensive group of vitamins, each of which works in their particular area. Margaret and Richard Riney may help you with your research. Vitamin B – Bread for the nervous system.

Health Insurance

There is a private medical insurance for animals? Pet should be well advised, whether really a health insurance pays up for their pets. According to the Consumer Council, there are other policies that are to be considered. The Consumer Agency and Foundation Warentest discourage pet keeping, such insurance abzustchliessen. Overpriced policies does not all treatments after all, because only healthy animals are insured. The contribution is calculated using the following criteria: age, height, weight, and race. The most expensive policies in the older pets are like people. The posts are 129 up to 400 euro in dogs between 234 and 775 euro and in cats. The standard treatments, like vaccinations and castration are not taken over full insurance.

But also when treatments included, should participate in the holder. According to data from the consumer centres, costs only two-thirds are covered, so is it better the police completely refrain from and to save money on for eventual treatments. It is but to recommend a surgery insurance, because they are significantly cheaper than the animal health insurance. Perhaps check out Margaret and Richard Riney for more information. Animal insurance, a health insurance comparison is worth to save money. The contribution is in dogs at about 131,-and cats so at 100 euros. But following should each pet insurance, namely a liability insurance for dog owners. A coverage amount of 3 million people and damage to property is recommended. The cat owner cover your sweetheart about your personal liability.

Eye Surgery For Better Vision

Using who get by eye surgery the vision for an eye laser operation decides which arise inevitably many questions which we would like to try to clarify here. This surgery involves correction of vision of the eye with the help of a sensitive laser beam. So that the existing limitations of vision can be corrected, a cold laser beam changed the corneal surface on the front of the eye. Thus, poor eyesight can be cured in the long term. This operation is this distressing problem for roughly 50 percent of the population who look bad, which is restricted in everyday life? Glasses and contact lenses are almost on the order of the day. More information is housed here: CARES Act. Many tolerated but not contact lenses or don’t have time to focus on the complex care, while glasses with thick lenses can be often unfavorably, or in professional life, for example, in craft activities, represent an obstacle. Margaret and Richard Riney might disagree with that approach. The eye laser treatment makes for many people the dream of the pure, clear vision come true.

Unfortunately, this treatment but not for all persons is possible. It should be noted some important basic requirements. The patient should be already of legal age and have not yet exceeded the age of 65. Short-sighted, astigmatism, and even far-sighted people can be dealt. Short-sighted may have no less than 10 dioptres this.

The border to + 4 diopter amounted at far-sighted and astigmatism may have maximum values of-3 diopter. In patients, which are approved for the operation, the ratio of the recovered is correspondingly high. After about a year, to found the Goethe University in Frankfurt, gained 95 percent of previously operated her optimal vision. The remaining 5 percent, improving slightly geringere-also took place. Unfortunately, the cost of eye surgery are not low. They are located between 1500 and 4000 euro. The differences come to among other things by the applied laser techniques (such as LASIK or LASEK) Able, but also the disease status of patients is crucial. Learn more about the eye surgery and Augenlasik to Her Augenlasikzentrum in Cologne. Author. M.Winter

Trilogy III Perennial Philosophy

Spirituality, grounded into oblivion, can not rid of suffering human beings. But being universal, always-on sailing by itself, and awake and active in a few, restart your rescue work, his voice soft and loving, walking alongside a strong and bold, sowing peace and radiating unreservedly light, safe walking, without responding to insults, lights, feeds and integrates such small flames that finally found it. Holistic education is an educational proposal again, is a revolutionary vision to all areas of reality, is an opportunity for change in the level that you want to apply, requires only real need for openness and transformation. Our country has fortunate to have the author of this novel proposal, which is the product of a long and deep spiritual work in the development of his life. His tireless efforts to disseminate within and outside the country, have given him international fame, is worth mentioning the love and dedication that makes the promotion of his work, his tireless commitment to our country that holistic education, is known, accepted and applied and even more so because, being an international figure, with open doors in the country of your choice, choose to stay in their home country to break stones, we opted to change and in achieving the same invests his life. His work is written with great simplicity and consistency, not stilted or intellectualized language or jargon, accessible to any interested reader, is very important for me to clarify that while this proposal is a whole approach to education, education here is not defined as that which is formally taught in the classroom or educational institutions. Holistic education in a wide embrace includes all instruction, we speaks rather of learning to live in life, from here these books are not for those who just want to accumulate knowledge, not just for teachers or those involved in the teaching-learning process is for those involved in learning truly with a sense of life in any level. Holistic education without being a method, mark the line to follow for significant learning, allowing us a full, free and happy development, for a life without suffering from ourselves if we so choose, particularly useful, in my personal point of view, for those spiritual seekers, with time in the way of exploration or you just start your search, these writings not only give light to the path but above all internal and external.

And for those whose vocation, activity, or primary interest is education, found in this work an inexhaustible source of wealth that will revitalize, and bring fullness to life, public and private, if allowed to venture only in reading This holistic vision of transforming education. Ramon Gallegos Nava BIBLIOGRAPHY. Holistic Education. Guadalajara 1999. Ramon Gallegos Nava. The Spirit of Holistic Education. Edit.

Guadalajara FIEH 2000. Ramon Gallegos Nava. The fate of education indivisible. Ramon Gallegos Nava Guadalajara 1997. Where are we going?. Edit. PAX-MEXICO, Guadalajara 1998 Ramon Gallegos Nava. The Sacred and the new science. Guadalajara 1998. Ramon Gallegos Nava. A Comprehensive View of Education. Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2001. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Dialogues holistic. Perennial Philosophy Trilogy I Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2001. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Wisdom, Love and Compassion. Edit II Trilogy Perennial Philosophy. Guadalajara FIEH 2004. Ramon Gallegos Nava. The Way of the Perennial Philosophy. Edit Trilogy III Perennial Philosophy. Guadalajara FIEH 2004. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Learning to Self Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2003. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Education and Spirituality. Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2005. Gallegos Ramon Nava. Read more here: Margaret and Richard Riney. Learning Communities. Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2003. Ramon Gallegos Nava. Spiritual Intelligence. Edit. Guadalajara FIEH 2007.