Conditioning Association

Isabel De Los Rios is a certified nutritionist and a specialist in exercise that has already helped over 50,000 people around the world to lose an incredible amount of weight and belly, regain their health and permanently change their lives. She is the author ofthe program solution diet eating for Perdery the owner of New Body Center for healthy living and nutrition, in New Jersey. She has become the # 1 when it comes to burning of vegetable fats, by several of the most popular worldwide fitness professionals. forefront of Isabel and completely different approach to nutrition is what distinguishes it from the rest. This approach has created results frustrated many people who start a diet. Isabel was also able to implement all the principles taught in the diet solution program before, during and after your pregnancy. This time the goal was not the loss of weight, but to make sure that she and her baby developing were receiving the best possible nutrition, without packing in the pregnancy, the excess of pounds more experience of women. Isabel strategies helped to feel well during her pregnancy and the rebound back to its prior to baby weight just a few weeks after the birth of his son.

Eating strategies that Isabel teaches will help any MOM-to – be or new MOM achieved an incredible level of health and vitality of the MOM and the baby. Isabel is able to educate customers and readers around the world through his books, hundreds of articles in line, seminars, and media that focus on the essential principles of fat loss nutrition and achieve a healthy, toned and vibrant body. Isabel graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in Physiology of exercise (a pre-med curriculum). She is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, the highest certification and more advanced proposal by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She is also a holistic lifestyle nutrition of buses, certified by the correction of exercise Kinesiology holistic (CHEK) Institute in San Diego, California.

She counsels many special populations, such as diabetics, patients with diseases of the heart, cancer survivors, and overweight people, as well as healthy people wishing to maintain health and prevent disease. Isabel De Los Rios found her passion for nutrition in adolescence. The daughter and granddaughter of overweight with diabetes type 2, Isabel said to him that it was doomed to suffer health problems than the generations that preceded it. Estubo not willing to sit and wait that this prediction grim to become a reality, who thoroughly studied every book of diet and nutrition available in search of answers to the weight of his family and health problems. This led to personally look for doctors and health professionals who were using nutrition to get great results (in the measurement of health and weight loss) with their patients and clients. Since then, it has reached and maintained an ideal weight, it is vibrant and healthy and does not show any indication that diseases such as diabetes, since they affect them have so many in his family. She really enjoys a high level of well-being not only surprising to most people, if not that also motivates them to achieve what Isabel has been achieved.

Bone Health

Drug therapy of osteoporosis – what you should know about it! Osteoporosis (bone loss) is defined by a low bone mass resulting in an increased bone fragility. In Germany, 26% of the population over the age of 50 are currently suffering (= 7.8 million people) on osteoporosis. Bone fragility is the result of a reduced bone strength. The strength of a bone is the bone mass, the material properties and the architecture which determines placement and networking with each other, the bone Trabeculae. For a good mineralization of bones required above all a sufficient supply of calcium, with the absorption of calcium from the intestines and the incorporation of calcium into the bone material is controlled by vitamin D.

This primary care or basic therapy with calcium and vitamin D is guaranteed, the specific drug therapy is added. Osteoporosis drugs attach to the above changes of bone in osteoporosis. Ideal osteoporosis medicines to increase the bone mass, the Join the bone Trabeculae improve and improve the bone material. These are demands that can only partially meet today’s drugs. That’s why it makes sense to use some drugs in combination or in chronological order.

The new brochure of the Board of Trustees bone health e.V. figures are for the various drug groups each to the represented its chemical properties and mechanisms of action, on pharmacokinetics (absorption, storage and elimination), the clinical effect and possible side effects and contra-indications. The Osteoporosis drug therapy brochure what you should know about it! Can against invoice (6.45 euros incl. 1.45 Euro shipping costs) be requested of the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V., Leipziger Strasse 6, 74889 Sinsheim, Tel. 07261/9217-0 (Mon.-Fri. 8: 30 am 12:30) or by email at. The Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. is the oldest national non-profit, the bone health and the Clinical picture takes care of osteoporosis. Since its inception in 1986 that engaged Trustees bone health e.V. to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all bone health problems. For 25 years we are a focal point for stakeholders and interested parties and take care of a heart for patients under the motto”that current scientific and medical knowledge in patient-friendly language in flyers, brochures and magazine MobilesLEBEN to introduce a wide audience.