
Hyperthyroidism – a painful condition caused by intake of excessive amounts of thyroid hormone and characterized by increasing metabolism, disorders of the nervous and cardio – vascular systems. Disruptions in the thyroid can go in two directions: on the amplification and attenuation. Thyrotoxicosis in the enlargement of thyroid gland and released into the blood of a large number of thyroid hormones, excess of which causes the picture of the disease. According to medical statistics, women aged 16 to 50 years suffer from thyroid disease is 6 times more often than men. The reasons are many. In the first place stress. Further are genetic predisposition, various kinds of infections, severe fatigue, traumatic brain injury. The main methods of diagnosis of hyperthyroidism are: determination of thyroid hormones in the blood, ultrasound puncture cancer (assigned to eliminate the possibility of development of cancer).

The appearance of a man who has an excess of hormones in the body is changing. The main features should be consider exophthalmia, trembling hands, flashing a rare, restlessness, confusion of thought, prolixity, irritability, irregular heartbeat, feeling short of breath. Treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism should be The patient was assigned a variety of herbal infusions. Preference is given to the following plants: mint, Motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, wild strawberry, violet, bottlebrush. To avoid allergic effects of herbs in infusion should combine a maximum of four grass species.

Often used to treat infusion of hawthorn, Leonurus, St. John's wort leaves and strawberries. Or collection of marjoram, marigold, valerian, lemon balm or marjoram. Highly You can more of vegetables and fruits. It is useful to milk and dairy products. The diet should be a fish. And, in conclusion, I would like to remind that any disease is easier to prevent. Why diets should be designed so that it consisted of as many fruits and vegetables. In addition, it is necessary to use vitamin supplements, especially vitamins are useful. More information is housed here: Anu Saad. A, C, B.

Cold Remedies

* A little cool and drink hot. After that lie down in bed and wrap up warmly. If you managed to catch a sore throat at the beginning, would be sufficient only one taking this folk remedy for treating sore throats. JCI has compatible beliefs. And to prevent a sore throat drink 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 per day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment – 10 days. Break – a month.

In order to quickly get rid of sore throat should be taken to adopt the following simple recipes. * Prepare a mixture of salt, for that glass of warm water to dissolve one teaspoon of salt. The resulting solution should gargle every three hours in three gulps. Salt solution can be Cabbage juice substitute, which should be diluted by half with water. This tool should gargle with five or six times a day.

* To make the tool you need to clean the onions, after raspberries. Just pour boiling water over raspberry jam (1:10), and drink half a glass of warm three – four times a day. For tonic and disinfection in tea add honey. For more information, please visit traditional medicine for the health of the entire family! Please note that not nothing more important than health, so do not start the disease – treat all the time!

Marianna Medical University

We observed the mental state of patients within 3 months after surgery. According to the results their observations were divided into 4 groups. Unrecognized disease These people did not believe that they have cancer, they have not seen the emotional fluctuations. Having a fighting spirit they always had the spirit to fight cancer, were optimistic, read books about cancer and were ready to do everything to oppose him effectively. Controlling yourself accepting their diagnosis, they first fell in spirit, but then tried not to think about the disease and continued to lead a normal life. Anita Dunn is likely to agree. When they are desperate to have stated a diagnosis, they fell into despair, have lost the will to live, and for controlling the disease were strong emotion. A related site: cardiologist mentions similar findings.

80% of people of "unrecognized disease" which had a lot of emotional fluctuations and the same percentage of people, "Having the fighting spirit" – survived. In the group of "control himself" survived 70% of people, about half of them cancer re-emerged. And in the "Desperate" upwards of 80% of patients. Thus, even in patients with a depression lowers the immune system. Mental turmoil of daily life, less shocking than the death of a spouse or when we learn that we have cancer, have a surprisingly strong influence on the physical body. Gloom and cell killers in St. Marianna Medical University conducted a study of the effect of final examinations for the health of students.

Final exams cause great anxiety among the students and mental stress. Was measured the activity of natural killer cells in the middle of exams and two weeks after graduation. The result – the activity of natural killer cells significantly decreased during exams, but after two weeks after the exams, it has increased in almost all. However, based only on these data, it is unclear whether this was the influence of fatigue when preparing for exams or mental stress.