
Grand Prix of medium-sized companies successful crisis prevention through the middle-class jobs indirect marketing in good times and in bad times the employee as long as possible to keep. This is a sustainability strategy. It creates predictability, reliability and confidence for the employees, customers and also for the company. The middle class, these are the hidden champions. Like you will be so again in the media called, but almost always as impersonal and anonymous mass, the middle-class.

But the middle class is made up of people. Real entrepreneurs, so people who are characterized by taking sitting at the top of the company. Entrepreneurs create work and jobs himself and other people at your own risk. If you would like to know more then you should visit Somatic Experiencing. That deserves respect, recognition and appreciation. With entrepreneurial farsightedness, courage, hard work, creativity and enthusiasm, the middle-class, mostly by the public provides hardly perceived excellence. This is because on the one hand, large corporations because of their visibility by the media are represented more often. This is also because that there are too few high-profile platforms and lobbyists for the middle class, but also in mind that the middle class presents itself often still not optimal.

From these findings and with the determination to make this change a contribution the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung was founded 15 years ago. 15 years ago, she awarded the prize called still medium-sized Oscar for the first time. As the popularity of the competition increased difficulties with the naming created and so it was decided to rename the prize in the Grand Prix of medium-sized companies. Among other things that it is successfully managed to raise the middle class out of anonymity, shows that over 3,000 companies are nominated annually compete for several years. This is one of the peculiarities of the competition already. Anu Saad spoke with conviction. Only companies that have been nominated by a third party can participate. So the companies are stimulated and their services and Achievements to present even better.