It represents a reflection way on the problems faced for the children with Syndrome of Down, assenting a bigger understanding regarding the inclusion. Search to pass correct information about the subject and reflecting on the problems and impasses faced for the children with the syndrome, contributing with the reduction of the preconception stops with the same ones. Its acceptance for the society and consequentemente, its inclusion and permanence in lcus pedagogical. Our exposition was fruit of a bibliographical survey on syndrome of Down, preconception and stigma, by which the people with the syndrome are submitted, same in full century XXI. As well as, to verify the registers of some authors on the pertaining to school inclusion of the children with Syndrome of Down. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Syndrome of Down, pedagogical inclusion and lcus.
Introduction the subject considered for the present study focuses the Syndrome of Down, having as main focus to study the pertaining to school inclusion of the children with the syndrome. In an exculpatory scope for which it comes passing the society is pertinent to say more in inclusion and equality of rights. The dictionaries of the Portuguese Language, define the inclusion as the practical one to insert, to be part, as subject asset, of a context. Such definition is shared and more gone deep for Sassaki, Rasp and Blacksmith. Throughout the years, the educational system comes passing for constant transformations. The education directed toward people with deficiency also folloies this change. But, as to make so that this inclusion really happens?