
You feel a little Stress.Diese question represents almost an insult, because nowadays almost everyone is exposed to stress. WHAT triggers STRESS almost anything can cause stress in a human, however, this is usually the kind of stress that is fleeting and limited in time. When they hear, for example, the timer of your oven, they feel immediately a little stress, because they have to jump up to get their muffins before they burn. But how long does this feeling afterwards – perhaps a second or two? You come from work from home and feel a temporary stress thrust”at the thought, to prepare the evening meal, because the whole family loudly complains about the terrible hunger quickly. Once they but eager to work in the kitchen and sit all at the table and food prepare yourself’s, this stress unravels in air. These type of situations is routine and rarely sustainable impacts on you. The pressure you feel it prompts you to do so, a little to work faster and in an appropriate manner to respond that go by so quickly again, take as they have arisen and the stress situations. When you think of situations that trigger the kind of stress, which actually need help, so most important events or situations are.

Usually these are well known and widely used, and surprisingly some of these events are also those which you would certainly classify as joyous occasions. Typical situations that cause stress, are, for example, the following: the search for a new job loss of job marriage divorce the death of the life companion of the life companion of the death of a family member or friend’s pregnancy and birth of physical impairment or disease a move of course there are many other events that cause stress, which are different from person to person.