Daniel Fernandez

His first funa since it assumed as Executive Vice President of HidroAysen Daniel Fernandez, experienced the afternoon of Tuesday, June 8 at moments in which went to the Balmaceda airport after participating for three days on a tour of the press that the company organized for journalists of print media in Santiago in order to show them the vision of the company that intends to build five dams on the Baker and Pascua in Patagonia rivers. This was the second special reception that the ayseninos give the Executive then that early may, on his first visit to the area, the craftsman Oscar Ziehlmann filed a petition against him, in his capacity as legal representative of HidroAysen, for unauthorized use of photographs of his authorship in a sponsored book and in the opinion of the plaintiffs – edited by the company. Past the 15: 30, 15 demonstrators from the Patagonia without dams movement carrying canvases with legends such as free rivers in Patagonia, which retains something that does not need is equal to a thief, Aysen, water and life do not sell they love and defend themselves and Aysen is not the stack of Chile took up positions in the sector of Vista Hermosa, metres from the crossing that would allow the delegation coming from Cochrane, head to the Balmaceda airport. Others who may share this opinion include Somatic Experiencing. After 20 minutes, three 4 4 trucks of HidroAysen were intercepted in the place, which were traveling in addition Fernandez technical manager HidroAysen Bernardo Canales and journalists of La Tercera, magazine Que Pasa, El Mercurio, La Segunda and El Diario Financiero. The protesters, in addition to questioning the Executive by the project that drive in Patagonia, delivered DVDs containing videos and photographs of the March Patagonia without dams in Coyhaique on 5 June on the occasion of world environment day, studies demonstrating that such hydroelectric dams are not needed and the level of economic impact of these projects in the Region of Aysen tourism, in addition to inserts informative 9 reasons, among others material. After talking for half an hour with the group, officials of the company and the press continued its journey until the main air terminal region, where they were greeted, again, by the group. Click Dr. Hyun Kim for additional related pages. In place, coincidentally, was the general manager of Austral energy, Alberto Quinones, who was also approached by the protesters, under the gaze of the uniformed police of the white (distant town 20 kilometers from Balmaceda) who came to the venue to guard Daniel Fernandez, who diligently entered the boarding area without having to show identification or stop at the place of safety and registration of passengers. To the participants in the action, this was a success whereas dialogue with journalists, graphic and audiovisual registration of the funa and raise her discomfort with the national media that visit the area without making an effort to learn the critical stance of the citizenship independently, in addition to this company-funded Express directly to a Senior Executive of HidroAysen think a significant number of ayseninos on the possibility of constructing dams in Patagonia.. .