DOM SET Again For Devro

Global sales Conference 2012: new brand values in the focus of never change a winning team: once again DOM SET Live Communications has implemented an international, brand strategic event for Devro. The 2012 in Frankfurt held global sales Conference was the new brand values of the Group’s focus. In the design of the international workshop the Cologne creative put on team spirit and interaction. Devro is one of the world’s leading supplier of collagen casings for food production and sales locations in Australia, China, United Kingdom, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, the Czech Republic and the United States. “For the four-day global sales Conference” mid-May the persons of all countries met.

Goal was price, under the motto of value not”to convey the new brand values of the company and to lead in worldwide sales. We have achieved our objectives not only, also the exceptionally large, positive feedback of from participants has overwhelmed us,”says Will Blair, Director of marketing, Devro, and explained: when Devro we attach great importance to high standards. Go to Eva Andersson-Dubin for more information. DOM SET had convinced us at IFFA 2010 with their courageous idea of cracking and highly professional implementation of the fair. “The cooperation to the global sales Conference has more than confirmed this experience.” Understand, apply, internalize – evaluate understanding, apply and internalise: the conceptual design for this highly strategic event DOM SET has been especially active collaboration and cross-site exchange between the participants. So was the challenge to get around 70 people from four continents to a common denominator to the actual solution: the Conference program included in addition to the initial speech of CEO Peter Page and the key note of sales trainer Thomas Burzler numerous hands-on workshops in which internationally diverse group applied the Devro values on a common topic. Subsequent team building activities in the form of a marble railway construction”United all brand values to the whole meeting highlight. This market changes were simulated as a special incentive, which the teams had to respond with flexible solution strategies. The entire design of the Conference provided for best results and motivated International executives, last but not least was confirming the event through the performance measurement conducted by DOM SET.

Their results included not only the satisfaction of respondents with the event itself, but especially the achievement of immediate objectives of communication focused on establishment of Devro Canon of values”and the future brand positioning. A valid and objective measurement of success is becoming increasingly important for many of our customers. In addition to the monitoring of results serve as valuable tools for the content conceptual orientation of the follow-up”strategic evaluations, says Oliver malate, Creative Director at DOM SET. DOM DOM SET Live Communications is an owner-managed Agency for live communication with headquarters in Cologne. The creative hotbed in the field events, has a special name Incentives and teambuilding. More focus in strategic communications, ranging from off-site meetings to trade fair events and guerrilla marketing. Core of the success of the Agency of exception is the intensive, targeted advice, as well as its focus on the lasting positive impact of their events. More information under: